[12] Parental Issues

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3

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Definition: Slut

[12] Parental Issues



Andrew had asked Ella help to get a certain girl he'd been eyeing for three years now. Of course, Ella agrees, seeing that Andrew was her friend and these matters were her expertise. So, this caused her to bring out her QB-self to make Monique jealous. Because of their plan, however, Ella's reputation got worse. She then explained to Mia what she'd been up to and both were excited to see Andrew and Monique get together.


"This right here will determine how fabulous next weekend will be," Emily stated, flashing two white envelopes in front of us. The envelope was small, square-ish and had pretty peach-coloured lines embroidered on it. it definitely looked very fancy. She had a smile on her face, and it was a smile that meant one word: trouble.

Or at least, trouble for me, fun for her.

Mia grinned, taking one of the envelopes. "What is it?" she wondered, raising it up under the light, trying to see what's inside. She squinted and bit her lip as she tried to read what was inside it from the outside. "It looks expensive."

I scoffed, hitting her lightly on the arm. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm trying to see if my super vision is working," she answered, squinting slightly as she tried to make up words. "Oh, my God! Is this a cheque?" she asked excitedly bouncing on my bed. She turned to Emily, grinning widely. "Em. Did you, like, win the lottery and decided to share us your winnings because we're your best friends forever? Wow, you're so generous."

Emily laughed, throwing her head back. She sat on her bed and crossed her legs. "Oh, jeez," she muttered, shaking her head. "What kind of super vision do you have?"

"Apparently, one that isn't working," I said, taking the other envelope from Em. I wondered what was in it. It was probably an invite to one of the parties she usually attended. Though, there never was a formal invitation, so this might be something special. I eyed the envelope suspiciously.

"Are you sure this isn't drugged?" I wondered.

They both gave me puzzled looks. Yes, leave it to me to ask the weirdest questions.

"Didn't you hear? There was this chick that got kidnapped because someone drugged their credit card and asked her to hold it!" I explained, moving y arms around to put emphasize on the point of the story. It scared me when I heard of it. not that I had a bit of taking other people's credit cards, but I figured that if once could easily do that to a plastic card, then it would be easy to do it to papery material.

They both stared at me like I've grown three heads. "How do you drug a credit card?"

"Why will you touch someone else's card?"

Emily frowned, shaking her head disappointedly. "What are you on, El?" she demanded. I wasn't sure if she was serious or not, but the glint her eyes showed that she was teasing. Both Mia and Em were giving me funny looks.

"I'm not kidding! My friend in high school told me about it!" I argued, knowing that they didn't believe me.

Mia sighed, placing a hand gently on my shoulder. "Was this the same girl that asked you to walk her home because she got a dream that some old woman, who was actually a ninja, stabbed her?"

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