[17] Reappearance

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3
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Definition: Slut
[17] Reappearance

After the wedding and the formalities in the reception, Andrew asked Ella for a dance. She tells him that they should stage a break up so he could talk to Monique about their relationship. They then find Emily arguing with Jonathan. When they approached the couple, they burst into another dispute and walked away. Ella and Andrew followed Jonathan and talked to him. He explained how he wanted to make their relationship public and how he didn't want to be seen as "the friend." Ella then finds Emily crying in the bathroom, and she tells Ella her side of the argument.

"Equilibrium," Mia stated, closing her book, Introduction to Micro Economics. She glared at it before shoving it hastily to the side. "That's all you've got to know about econ."

After the wedding, we all went back to campus the following day. Time passed and nothing eventful really happened. Before I knew it, two weeks already gone by and Mia and I were in the library, reviewing for the midterms. Jonathan and Emily avoided each other like a plague, Damien was still gone (or at least, I thought so. I haven't seen him for forever, and yes, that meant that he wasn't showing up in any practices or games, but Andrew assured me that he was still alive), and Monique hadn't shown up for any classes either, but according to her friends, she was there to write her midterms, but left right after.

At first, I thought that this was just a minor setback from the happily ever after I thought was going to happen whenever I usually meddled with people's love life. Though, after the first week, my hopes for fixing the situation gradually decreased. And after leaving my calculus midterm yesterday feeling like I bombed it added on to the whole Ella is depressed and will bite off your head vibe I had going on.

Maybe I wasn't cut out for this Queen Bee thing anymore. I mean, I wasn't as devious as I was before and I spent more time with friends than actually planning and attacking. Was I losing touch? Getting too old? I really hope not.

"Mia, we aren't done yet," I told her, throwing an eraser at her direction.

She frowned, piling her notes neatly. We've been studying since the morning, reviewing concepts and theories of economics. Yeah, it wasn't the greatest way to kill time, but we were paying to take these tests. Why the heck would I want to fail a class I was spending a thousand dollars on?

"Can't we take a break? We've been studying since nine. I want food."

I gave her a frantic look. "We have the exam in an hour!"

"Which is why we need a break and get some food," Mia reasoned, patting my hand gently, "Our brains need energy to work to its maximum potential."

I sighed, feeling my stomach rumble a little bit. Maybe food wasn't such a bad idea right now. My brain might actually explode if I was to keep reading about elasticity, its effects on the market's equilibrium, and the sellers-slash-buyer's choice between Good A and Good B if so and so event occurred. "I suppose you're right," I said, defeated. It was twelve already, and the economics exam was scheduled for one in the afternoon. "We can grab lunch and do a quick review before heading to the examination room."

Mia beamed, quickly packing her notes and book. "Great! All of this studying made me hungry. I've never studied this much for a class my life."

We went to the cafeteria and bought a sub from Subway. We had to wait a bit in line since there was a lot of students there, probably eating before (or after) their exams. There was a few students missing their mouths as they ate because they were too focused in their studying. I shivered a little, hoping that I wouldn't act like that one day. Well, maybe it might happen if I wasn't prepared-which I was. Prepared, I mean. For the midterm. But just in case, I should review some things again. I just hoped that I don't suddenly blank out as soon as I look at the questions.

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