[24] Dense is the New Black

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3

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Definition: Slut

[24] Dense is the New Black

There was a knock on the door. I would have gotten it, but I was too busy staring at the ceiling, wondering why life hated me so much. It's been a week and a few days since Anna were born. I mean, I visited Jo with Mia, Em, and Damien just this weekend and seeing her made me happy. Babies, in general, made me happy. I was a girl, it's in my genes.

However, I haven't seen or talked to Oliver at all. Of course, this could be my fault since I avoided him at all cost. But I was going through some tough heartbreak right now! He hadn't texted or anything.

Sometimes, I'd wish that it was still soccer season so I could have an excuse to see him.

God, I was pathetic.

I didn't notice Emily answer the door until she huffed. She and Mia were doing quetionnaires from a magazine. I was supposed to be doing one as well, but after looking at the first title (Does he like your or like-like you?), I just couldn't concentrate.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, raising a brow. Her tone sounded accusing, so I turned to see who she was speaking to. I almost stopped breathing when I saw Oliver leaning on the door frame with a gym bag slung around his shoulder.

He looked really good, I noted as my eyes examined his appearance. His hair looked a little disheveled and it looked like he was a day or two behind on his shaving. When I realized what I was doing, I shook my head and buried it in my pillow. If I was going to get over my crush on him, I'd have to stop thinking about him like that.

I had to think of him as something related to gross, moldy sandwiches as opposed to a walking-talking hot guy who can make me melt with just smiling.

Oliver's eyes roamed the room and when he met mine, he quickly pulled his gaze away and focused on Emily. "They wanted to know if you three wanted to go swimming." From behind Oliver, Harriet and Jonathan entered the room.

Emily frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's late November," she stated.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "In the athletic pools," he explained, raking his hands through his hair. "They're doing a pre-midnight swim. Exclusive invites. It's kind of a tradition and the university knows, so you won't have to worry about that."

Why did I feel like the latter part of his sentence was directed to me?

Emily scoffed. "Worrying about the rules breaking is more your thing than mine," Emily responded, placing a hand on her hip. Then she turned to us and announced, "We're going swimming guys!"

Mia looked hesitant for a second, biting the end of her purple pen. "I don't have my swimming things with me."

Emily smiled brightly, jumping to her closet as she began to ruffle through her things. "I have extras!" she stated, digging through her piles of clothes, "And some that's still unused. You can borrow. Or have. I don't mind, I'm probably going to get some more for next summer."

"D and the guys are already there," Jonathan teased Mia, stepping in the room. Everyone was convinced that they were going to hook up sooner or later. Though, both Mia and Damien said that they were still working on their friendship. I decided to let it go.

If they were going to get together, they'd do it in their terms. I mean, what kind of matchmaker was I if I couldn't even shag the boy I liked? I was losing my touch-I needed to retire permanently.

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