[03] T.O.M.

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3
See description for link.

Definition: Slut
[03] T.O.M.

Damien and Ella dubbed their relationship as nothing more than friendship after experiencing the most horrible kiss in the world. Their friendship bloomed as they spent most the night together watching movies. When Damien dropped her off at her dorm, they encounter Julie Presto, a girl both Ella and Emily disliked exiting her room, and ended up in a small dispute.

"Oh, my God, Emily!" I screamed, when I realized that all hope was lost. I was freaking out, ready to pull every hair in my head off. This could not be happening. I was going to die. My parents would kill me. Oh, God, I was screwed.

"What is it?" she asked, suddenly getting up her bed. She looked alarmed, her hair was in a mess and her eyes were wide. She suddenly jumped off her bed and began to pace. If I wasn't in such a panic, it would have been a funny sight of Emily. "Where's the fire?" she asked, running her fingers through her hair harshly in attempt to brush it.

"I lost it!" I said frantically, flopping down on my bed. I screamed at my pillow in frustration. I was going to die. My parents would see to it.

Emily then smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "It?" she asked smugly, eyeing me accusingly.

"Yes!" I cried, groaning. This was definitely not the time to question my slight insanity.

"Well, well, well," she sang, clasping her hands together. She looked positively giddy and beaming. All of her previous worrying was now gone. "And I thought the sex rules only applied to me."

"What?" I asked, snapping my head towards her so fast that the brunette locks of my hair probably stabbed my eyes. Was she insinuating that I had done the deed? "What are you talking about?"

Emily frowned. "You said you lost it!" she claimed, throwing her hands up.

"Yeah," I told her. How was it that she wasn't getting this? I simply lost my phone and I needed to find it now. Her eyes were watching me, and then I realized that she and I weren't on the same page. I frowned, she and I weren't even in the same book. "Oh, my God! Not that kind of it."

Emily sighed, looking all relieved. "Okay, so we were talking about different it's," she muttered, shaking her head. "God, you got me scared for a second. Blah. Well, I when people usually say they lost it, it's safe to assume they lost it-it, not their something else."

I rolled my eyes, though her logic did make sense. I supposed the misunderstanding was from my part. "I wouldn't lose my virginity to a random guy in a party. Perhaps I should have been more clear with I lost."

She sighed. "I know," she uttered. Emily then got up and got for her hairbrush, fixing her hair. "I was about to feel bad and guilty and all that because I dragged you there. I know how this entire 'true love' thing meant to you."

I glared at her-albeit playfully. "I take offense in that."

She giggled, shaking her head at me. "It's a compliment, babe," she said, pointing her brush towards me. "So, what'd you lose?"

"My phone."

Emily nodded and looked out our window. It didn't have the best view, but it had a view. That was, if you counted a parking lot and sidewalks as a view. Our room was located at the back of the West Dorms. The rooms in the front had the perfect view of the campus, the huge field in front of the West Dormitories and no parking lots.

Definition: Slut [ complete ]Where stories live. Discover now