[23] New losses, new beginnings

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3
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Definition: Slut

[23] New losses, new beginnings

"No, Emily, don't!" I cried. "Mia! No!"

I ran after the two of them and I was pretty sure that they were pretty surprised that I was still trailing behind them. I was, too, but that was probably the adrenaline pumping in my blood. I mean, as soon as I stop, I would probably puke my guts out.

Emily turned a corner and I followed her, hoping that I wasn't too late. Mia was already gone from my view, and I knew that whatever was going to happen next would top the Most Embarrassing Thing to Ever Happened to Me, Ever list. When I found both of them in front of a house with Emily on her phone and Mia ringing the doorbell, I knew that at that moment, my life was so over.

"Harriet," Emily said in a singing voice, wrapping a hand around Harriet who looked very confused. She has just opened the door when she was suddenly attacked by Em's hug. When I made it, I was about to tell her to not listen to the two of them and go back to her business before we bothered her but the fact that I've just ran a mile or so just caught up with my body.

I was heaving and passing out seemed like a pretty good idea right about now.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked, frowning a little as she took in our appearances. You see, after our little girl time during breakfast a week ago, I've been a little bummed with the whole theory of Harriet liking Oliver that it might have slightly annoyed both Em and Mia.

Of course, like all normal people, I didn't want to face my problems, so I decided to just ignore it and hoped that it went away. I used my best avoiding skills to avoid both Harriet and Oliver, and when Emily and Mia realized that I've been skillfully avoiding my problems, they decided an intervention with the three of us, which then lead to a race to Harriet's house.

Harriet pulled out her phone and turned it on. "It's past seven."

Emily just grinned, shaking her head. "You know how Ella has a crush on Oliver?" she began, gesturing at me.

"Em!" I cried in horror. Why would she say that? I mean, yeah, I might like the guy but that didn't mean I wanted the whole world to know. Especially not Harriet.

Harriet shrugged, looking very uninterested and not surprised, which by the way, surprised me. "Yeah, what about it?" she wondered, leaning on the door frame. She said the words like it was some sort of common knowledge.

My jaw dropped. What? I've just came into that conclusion just a little over a week ago!

Em and Mia both gave me significant looks, probably trying to rub in the fact that I sucked at hiding the fact that I liked someone. My cheeks burnt red. What if everyone else knew this fact as well? Oh, god, that would be so embarrassing. On a more important note, how long have they known? Mia had been teasing me about it for a while now-way before I admitted it to myself-so did that mean that everyone else thought so, too?

Was I really that obvious? I thought I had better acting skills. I had to have great acting skills to survive four years of high school as QB. Then again, it wasn't as if I harbored a crush on anyone before. Sigh. Liking guys was too much work.

"Well, she thinks you and Oliver are going to madly fall in love one day," Mia stated, breaking my internal monologue.

Harriet then did the most unexpected thing I could have thought of. I imagined her getting angry and swearing to eliminate me as an enemy or threat to her relationship or maybe jump on me and beat me up right on the spot...or something drastic girls would do to protect their true love or anything along those lines. But she didn't do any of those things.

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