[18] Twisting to Green

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3
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Definition: Slut
[18] Twisting to Green

An OliverxElla chapter galore~)

Two weeks passed since the wedding, and it appeared that Emily and Jonathan's relationship was going downhill. Ella and Mia decided to have an intervention, assuming that if they talked it out with everyone, things would get better. When Ella approached Andrew to talk about their plan and to discuss their soon-to-be break up, she finds Monique in his bed. Andrew then sees them together and spoke to Ella alone, seeming to be annoyed. Before he could tell her anything, Damien shows up, livid at Ella's presence. Andrew then tells her to brush it off before he left, following Damien.

"Ella, stay after class, I need a minute with you."

I froze a little, panicking why I had to stay back. Was I in trouble or something? Did I do something wrong? Oh, my gosh! Did the school find out that I referenced one quote incorrectly and decided to penalize me because that was practically plagiarism? I didn't want an academic misconduct! I glanced at Oliver, who was a little swamped by a group of students asking him questions. By the looks of things, he didn't particularly looked mar or anything. Maybe he just needed help carrying something.

Okay, maybe not. I wouldn't be the best candidate for that job. Though, whatever the reason was I had to stay behind, it shouldn't be that bad. I mean, it wasn't as if I'd done anything wrong lately.

"Yeah, okay," I replied calmly, sitting down on my seat again. I waved goodbye to the girls I was with during the class as they exited the room. Waiting patiently, I played with my pen, clicking it in a very annoying fashion. It always bothered me whenever people clicked their pens constantly, but when I was bored, I couldn't help but do the action myself. I guess I was being a hypocrite whenever I get mad at someone because of it. When Oliver finished answering questions from the other students, he pulled his chair in front of my desk and sat down.

I immediately stopped the clicking and pulled my hands back when he placed his hands over mine.

"So, what's up?" I asked, a little scared to meet his eyes. I mean, what if it was something bad? I'd probably die right here, right now if it was.

He propped his arms up on the desk and exhaled heavily. "How involved are you with this thing going on between Jon and my sister?" he asked, flinching a little when he said the word 'thing.'

Suddenly, I looked up at him. That was so not something I thought I'd hear. Was it even legal to talk about private matters during school? Well, maybe it wasn't really illegal, but it didn't feel right, too. "Not very," I lied. There was no way I was going to tell my TA (who could potentially fail me in the course) about my involvement with his little sister's affairs. Oliver would have a heart attack if he knew the things I knew.

"Yeah, okay," he uttered in a sarcastic tone, obviously not believing me. He then leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. I must admit, even though I felt a little intimated by the way he was looking at me and his posture, he was kind of very attractive in a don't-bring-me-home-to-meet-daddy kind of way. "I'm sure you're lying. Harriet's been bugging me about an intervention of some sort. Do you know anything about that?"

I chuckled nervously, keeping my gaze away from him. "Ugh...I have class in like, two minutes," I lied, scratching the back of my neck. I swung my bag around my shoulders and tried to get out of the room before I said something unnecessary. "I should-"

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