[02] Ultimate Ping Pong

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This story will be removed the moment I finish it's prequel (S's & Ex's). And then I'm going to rewrite this <3
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Definition: Slut
[02] Ultimate Ping Pong

After Ella met Emily and speeding up her relationship with Jonathan, she told her new roommate-slash-best friend about her alter ego as Queen Bitch. A week after, Emily brought Ella to a frat party, where Ella befriended Mia, a girl in her economics class, who convinced her to strike out with 'Mr. Absolutely Gorgeous.' After an exchange of witty banters and friendly insults, she ended up kissing him.

"That was disgusting."

I nodded, feeling ever so repulsed. If I had detergent with me right now, I would be cleansing my mouth right now. It was the most horrible kiss ever. I mean, Damien was pretty good looking, but the kiss was horrible. I've kissed enough guys to know the difference between good and just plain nasty. The kiss with Damien was defiantly a thirteen on a scale of ten in the Icky Kissy Experience.

"It was like kissing my brother." I frowned. Well, I wouldn't really know how it would feel to kiss my brother. But I could imagine. Yuck. I couldn't even stand the thought of incest. I never even touched an incest story my whole life. "Not that I have a brother."

He chuckled, sticking out a hand. "Friends?" he asked, a small smile gracing his lips.

I stared at his hand s for a moment, contemplating whether or not I should shake it. I mean, there was this one time in high school where this girl got kidnapped after she was drugged for picking up someone's credit card. Though, it was just a rumour, one should never be too cautious.

After a minute of awkward silence, I finally decided that: no, Damien was not an evil genius murderer. "Absolutely," I answered, taking his hand for a shake.

"So..." he drawled out, taking a look back at the party.

"So," I echoed. I didn't particularly want to go back in there. The music was too loud and it hurt my ears. It also smelled very funny-the bad kind of funny-in there. I was sure that whoever owned the house would be up for a lot of cleaning tomorrow morning. I didn't know what to do now. It turned my gaze to Damien, who seemed to look as conflicted as I was. "What now?"

He grinned sheepishly, placing his hands on his pocket. "I have Back to the Future in DVD. Does the maiden wish to join me?"

"I don't know," I muttered, but in my mind, I was super excited and wanted to say yes. Back to the Future was the best. I would have never pegged Damien as a fan. "You still sound kind of sketchy. I mean, why would you be in there and agree to come out with me, and ask me to join you watching movies if you aren't sketchy?" I was half serious, and half joking. I mean, there was a chance that he was a psychotic murderer-albeit, a small one, but a chance nonetheless. Plus, why would he want to leave the party. He seemed like the partyer kind of guy.

He sighed. "I went to the party because I have to," he answered as if he'd read my mind. "It is part of the image."

I grinned. We both shared the fact that we went to the party unwillingly. Ish. "Of being sketchy?" I teased.

He barked out a laugh, pointing at his jacket. "I'm in the team," he stated, "I have to show up. For spirit and all that; it's part of being a jock, you know." And to prove it, he flexed his arm, but it wasn't as if it mattered. He was wearing a baggy sweater anyway.

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