Chapter 3: Know Each Other

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By the time I've finished cooking lunch for everyone, at least half of them have finished unpacking. Walking over to the hallway where the rooms are, I call out to all of them that food is ready.

Within a minute of me getting back to the kitchen to set the table in the dining area, there's multiple people at the table taking a seat. Ara, Solbi, Won, and Hyejin are sat on one side while Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook have taken a seat on the other side.

"You made food for everyone yourself?" Jin asks as the last six slowly meander in. I nod in response.

"You didn't have to do that. If I'd have known, I'd have come out to help. We must've taken longer to unpack then I realized." He tells me. I shake my head in response though.

"No, you didn't take that long. Besides, I'm used to making food for everyone myself. It's no big deal." I answer as I set the rest of the food on the table for everyone.

"Thanks, Minnie!" The girls chorus with grins as they begin putting food onto their plates with the guys.

"Thanks, Minsae!" Most of the guys chorus, my brother being the one who didn't join in. Instead, he rolls his eyes and dishes himself some food as well.

Taking a seat at the end of the table across from Jungkook, I watch to make sure everyone gets themselves a decent amount of food. I nod when I see that everyone has a good amount of food before looking down at the small salad I'd made for myself.

I'm meant to be on a very tight and strict diet as well as working out an immense amount in order to lose weight and gain muscle lately. Technically, it's been going on for the last year but I'm not to stop until Manager Nim is happy.

"You made all this food and you're eating a tiny salad?" Taehyung asks with a frown. I just smile and nod.

"So, do you girls know much about us yet? Or have you been busy with work for the last few years to have caught much about us?" Namjoon asks, attempting to strike up real conversation that isn't as sensitive as what Taehyung had brought up.

"I think I can speak for almost all of us that we know a decent bit about you guys. Most of us have kind of been fans of you guys for a while now." Chae answers, all of the other girls nodding their heads in response. The boys all smile at the response, nodding as well.

"Well that saves the seven of us having to explain much then. You girls should tell us quite a bit about yourselves though! I don't think any of us know much if anything about you girls." Jin says with a smile, his gaze mainly focused on Chae with intrigue.

Just by observing everyone at the table, I can already tell that relationships are going to be springing up within the first month of us being here. Jin and Chae both seem to have an interest in each other, Yoongi seems to have taken at least a small liking to Jee who I know is interested in him. It would also appear that Hoseok has distracted himself from me with Mina who's also seemed to take interest with him, and then it's already obvious that Namjoon and Ara have taken a liking to each other.

Looking at the group of them, I smile and shake my head at them. I'm not at all a fan of any of them being with my brother but if the two of them make each other happy then that's what's important. It's what I care about most for the girls. That they're happy and comfortable with what's going on, less it be something that they have to push themselves outside their comfort zones for.

"Well, what exactly do you want to know?" Chae asks shyly.

"You could tell us who's what age? See if any of you girls match up with any of our ages or something?" Jimin suggests, glancing over at me with a smile. The rest of the girls shrug before looking over at me.

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