Chapter 15: You Told Her What?!

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"What are we going to do about my brother and the others?" I question quietly as we pull away.

"Well I don't think just coming right out and saying we're together now is going to quite work. But, everyone already seems to think that we act like a couple as it is. So, we could just keep quiet about it and not say anything for the time being. We'd still be able to act the same and nothing would really change from now other than it's not like we'll be able to kiss or probably hold hands around them." He suggests.

Letting my head fall a bit, I nod. I know it's impossible to just tell everyone that we're actually together now because of Hobi, but it still hurts all the same. All of the others can be open about their relationships around all of us except for when out in public, yet Jungkook and I have to hide it at all times unless we're entirely alone.

"Hey, don't look so down, baby. We'll figure out a way to break the news to hyung. And I can talk to Yoongi about it as well to see if he has any ideas." He says softly, putting two fingers under my chin to tip my head back up. He leans down, kissing me shortly again before pulling away and giving me a small smile.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to be discussing this with any of them at all?" I ask with a small frown. He smiles down at me.

"Yoongi already told me that he would approve if we were together. He actually pulled me aside the other day to discuss it with, to make sure that there wasn't actually anything going on between us. I had confirmed it but he essentially called me out on having feelings for you as well... So, he told me that he personally didn't see any problems with the two of us being together. Though, obviously he isn't your brother so it was something that we'd have to keep in mind." Kookie explains. I just nod in response.

"Minnie, why were you crying earlier when I first came in here?" He asks softly as we decide to just sit on the floor, leaning our backs against one of the walls that's technically a mirror. He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side to which I almost instinctively curl into.

"I'm just really tired and frustrated. I've gotten no work done at all since Wednesday of last week. I've made multiple additions and removed every single one of them for the choreography. I've only managed to add one more move to the choreography for the video in the last twenty four hours. I messed up and tripped, falling just before you'd come in." I explain quietly. He frowns as he looks down at me.

"Minnie, somehow I have a feeling that it's about a little more than just being tired and frustrated." He whispers gently, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I sigh, closing my eyes as I lean my head against his chest. He's right. He's entirely right. It's about much more than just being tired and it's about much more than just being frustrated. Because neither one is that simple.

It's not just tired. It's tired in terms of sleepy. It's tired of the bullying. It's tired of my brother acting like I'm the worst thing that's happened to him. It's tired of having to be treated differently because of him. It's tired of worrying about Jingsah or anyone of them being around me. Of what they'll say this time. Frustrated due to similar things. Then my brothers words resonate through my thoughts once more.

"I'm just tired and frustrated, Kookie. Tired, and tired and frustrated from a lot of things right now." I answer vaguely.

"Tell me later?" He asks curiously. Pulling a small smile on as I look up at him, I nod.

"Later. I promise." I respond quietly. He smiles, leaning down and giving me another kiss.

With that, he stands up and gives me a comforting smile before helping me up as well. Giving me a hug, he begins to head towards the door.

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