Chapter 22: Painfully Reunited

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Biting my lip, I follow the girls off the plane later on this evening. Having a few guards with us, they make us stick tightly together as we go through the airport.

Having ended up in the back of the group, Chae looks back at me with worry. I give her a nod, pushing through to catch up with the front. I take hold of each girls hand momentarily as I pass by them, giving them a small smile and squeezing lightly before letting go again.

The moment we exit the hallway that leads from the airplane, we can hear the shouts and screams as well as see the giant crowd. There's small diversity it seems, as to reasons of why they're here. Maybe a small handful is actually cheering for us. Another small handful of the crowd is shouting actual good things about us and the relationships. The heavy majority though, shouting and screaming hateful things to us.

As we begin to walk through the hallways of the airport, I can feel my girls group even closer together, all of them working to stick as tightly together and as close to me as possible. The crowd on the other hand, is attempting to block our way and constantly reaching out in attempt to grab at us.

Having been with the girls long enough, I can recognize when one of them shouts or screams. We get about halfway through the building before I hear Chae's yelping.

Frowning, I stop instantly as I turn to find that someone's grabbed tightly ahold of her upper arm and pulling at her, causing her to stumble backwards. The entire group stops with me, watching as I quickly push my way over to her.

I don't say anything to the girl who's got ahold of her, just grabbing the random girls hand and prying her fingers away from Chae while helping her stay up on her feet. Managing to get her tight grip released, she instead digs her fingers into my wrist as I pull Chae away from her.

Chae instantly moves back closer to the rest of the girls, looking at me with fear in her eyes. Ripping my arm away from the girl and ignoring the pain and blood that comes from my actions, pulling Chae close to me as I love back to the front of the group and keep pushing us forward.

When we get close to the door, I hear Mina scream this time. My eyes widen, letting go of Chae as I spin around to find her fall. I quickly push back through to her, having to pull some of the crowd people away from her and helping her up. The guards can't even make their way over to us, only being able to watch as I help.

Just as she gets back up on her feet though, there's two different girls that grab ahold of her by both her arms. Mentally groaning and wanting to cry from the shit that's been shouted, I work to get their hands off of her before they draw blood from how badly they're digging their nails into her arms.

Finally getting her released, I shove her back to the girls just before I'm replaced in her position. The girls then watch in horror as the girls surrounding me continuously shouting cruel rude things at me.

"Go! I'll catch up. Get out of here!" I manage to shout above the crowd. They give me a worried look but the security pushes them and they're given no choice but to leave me as I get sucked back into the crowd.

Trying desperately, I manage to block out most of the voices and the things they're shouting. Before I know it though, I'm shoved to the floor and surrounded. Looking up, I can get a small glimpse of the ceiling behind the tons of people that are around me shouting things and whatnot. Out of seemingly nowhere, someone dumps what I can only guess to be some form of pop with ice on me, another pouring water from their bottle on me as well.

Swallowing hard and forcing myself to keep composure for the girls, I shove myself back onto my feet. Though, I struggle greatly as everyone keeps trying to shove me to the floor.

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