Chapter 8: Unexpected Visit

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Groaning in frustration, I shake my head before running a hand through my hair. Reworking the homework question for probably the fifth time now, I finally manage to come up with a reasonable answer before submitting it.

Sighing, I down some more water before turning back to trying to write another song. I think I've been here for maybe five days now?

I've managed to get two more songs written and have finally managed to catch up on my college assignments. I'm almost caught up on the online trainee classes, though I've been attending the in person classes each day we've had them.

I've been inside the writing room since I got here, keeping the door locked the entire time. The only times I've left the room is to go to the bathroom, changing into new clothes when appropriate, to attend the trainee classes, and to get a small salad for lunch each day.

There's been multiple people try to get in here, but I've ignored every single one of them. I feel bad, but there's other writing rooms that can be used and I'm not dealing with human interaction unless necessary.

Besides, it's not even like it's been anyone important. Other than the three maknaes still coming in the evening to attempt to bring me home, I've not seen any of the boys or girls while in here. Of course, all good things must come to an end at some point, right?

Jotting down some lyrics as I listen to the music, there's a knock at the door. Frowning with a sigh, I turn in my seat to find Yoongi stood outside. Surprised to find him here, I sigh and get up from my seat to let him in.

"What're you doing here?" I ask quietly, locking the door up again after I've let him in before heading back over to the chair where I'd been sat previously.

"I wanted to talk with you." He answers, taking the seat next to mine. Sighing with a small saddened smile, I push my work back slightly before turning back to him.

"What did you want to talk about then?" I ask, attempting to mask my annoyance and exhaustion.

"You and your brother. You and the maknaes." He answers blankly with a shrug, seeming fairly careless about the discussion.

"What about any of them?" I question, cocking an eyebrow as I look at him tiredly. I watch as the expression on his face twists from blank to serious as he looks at me.

"What happened between you and Hoseok? Why do the two of you not get along at all?" He asks, not even bothering to start out easy. I sigh, running a hand through my hair before shaking my head.

"Nothing happened, Yoongi." I answer honestly. However, the look on his face says he doesn't believe me for a second. I shrug though.

"Truthfully. Nothing ever happened between us. I don't know what happened with him that has created the attitude he has towards me." I tell him.

"What about you though? You don't seem much more fond of him than he is of you." He prompts. I sigh, rubbing my face at the question.

"Look, when he left home to become a trainee in Seoul, he left and never looked back. Okay? He left and never contacted anyone after that. The only person he had contact with in the family is our older sister, Eunha. Him leaving was really hard on me... I was dealing with a lot of things going on and the one person I relied on and looked up to left and essentially abandoned me.

"I went through a lot of things that,... you want someone to be there for you when you're going through it and he wasn't. He promised he was going to keep in contact with me as much as he could and the first I'd heard or seen of him since he left to become a trainee was when we went in to meet you guys since we were sharing the house.

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