Chapter 19: Happy Together

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"Jungkookie, where the hell are you taking me?" I question with a laugh as he almost quite literally drags me down yet another street. He just looks back at me and grins.

"It's a surprise. Now quit asking, you'll find out when we get there." He chuckles. I pout in response but it's no use as he's already turned back around to face forward.

When we got up this morning, everyone was already gone. I'm guessing Jungkook ended up turning my alarm for the day off, explaining why we were the last ones awake. I've no idea where literally anyone is though. There were no plans for today and I'd just been planning actually staying home and relaxing with Jungkook. Obviously though, it seems everyone else has other plans.

"We were beginning to wonder if you guys were ever gonna wake up and get here!" Taehyung exclaims exasperatedly when Kookie finally pulls us around one last corner.

In front of us is one of the biggest amusement parks around. The boys and girls are already here and appear to have been waiting for us. Hobi and Mina are quick to go straight in the moment we get there, but he's at least bringing her with him. Jimin and Jingsah follow closely behind the two of them with eye rolls, but the rest are all waiting with grins.

"Seriously?" I ask, looking over at Jungkook in surprise. He just grins and nods.

"You didn't come with us last time we went and from the sounds of things, the parks seems like one of your favorite things to do. So we decided to celebrate how well you girls did last night, have some fun on one of our last days before tour, and come here." He explains with a smile as he leads us over to the group.

"I vote we split up. Hoseok and Mina already left as well as Jimin and Jingsah. Besides, I know how much some of you like the roller coasters and that's definitely not our thing." Won speaks up as we go inside. I grin over at her, knowing how much her and Hyejin hate the coasters.

"Besides, it'll give all you couples time alone to have fun together and Jungkook and Minnie can just chill and have some fun for once too." Hyejin continues to reason.

Looking over at the three oldest couples, they all smile and nod their heads while Yoongi shoots Kookie and I a wink before grabbing Jee's hand and running off. Solbi, Hyejin, and Sowon all grab each other's hands before bolting away from the group of us.

I chuckle at their actions, knowing they only ran in fear of getting roped into doing coasters with some of us. Chae takes Jin's hand, quickly dragging him off as she rambles about one of the coasters here while Namjoon takes Ara's hand and calmly leads her away from us as he starts talking about doing games first.

"What would you like to do first?" Jungkook asks with a smile as he looks over at me, leading us away from the spot we'd been in and beginning to wander around.

"Maybe start out with some coasters?" I suggest, eyeing the tallest one here before looking over at him. He grins, nodding his head and seeing what I'd been looking at.

Starting out with the tallest one, we end up going on at least seven or so rides before taking a break. We scream and laugh the entire time of each ride, holding hands on the rides and cheering as they go.

"I'm so glad you love roller coasters too. This could've been much more boring if you didn't." He chuckles as we walk away from the last one. I just grin and nod my head in response.

"Wanna take a break from the coasters and go get some food?" He asks, leaning down and kissing the top of my head as we wander around.

"Kookie, you need to be careful. You know we're not supposed to be seen as a couple in public." I whisper to him as we walk. He just rolls his eyes though.

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