Chapter 17: Debut

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It's been a week and a half since I tried to leave. A week and a half since I've genuinely been able to be alone.

Due to Chae and Jee getting so worried about me after having tried to leave, one of the two of them are with me all the time when I'm at the studio if I'm not doing the trainee classes. Whenever I'm not at the studio, I've always got either one of the girls with me or Kookie by my side.

Hobi doesn't even seem to want anything to do with me at this point. He refuses to be in the same room as me at this point. Won't look at me. Won't speak to me. It's caused a huge amount of tension between him and Mina. They've been fighting more and more over the last few weeks, and since the incident last week, it's only gotten worse.

"How're you feeling?" Jungkook asks softly from beside me.

We're all sat in a large dressing room right now, waiting for it to be time for the girls and I to go on stage. We released our first album and the music video on Tuesday and it's now Friday, the night of our very first official show.

"Nervous." I answer quietly, staring at the floor in front of me.

"You're going to be amazing. And you'll have all of us out there cheering you girls on all the while. It'll be so much fun." He tells me gently, a smile on his lips as he looks over at me. Looking up at him, a small saddened smile pulls onto mine as well. We're in the room with almost all of the boys and girls, so once again, we're forced to keep things under wraps.

"It'll be okay." He whispers softly, his hand brushing against mine purposely in attempt to comfort me.

"What the hell, Namjoon! Are you fucking kidding me?! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Ara cries out as she storms into the room, a fearful looking Namjoon following closely behind her.

"Baby, I'm sorry! I meant to tell you sooner, but everyone's been so busy with the different things going on that it slipped my mind! Ara, please, baby. I'm so sorry!" He tells her, reaching for her hand. He manages to grab her wrist but she spins on her heel, ripping her hand away from him as she lands a smack on his face.

"Hey! Kim Ara, you know better than to lay a hand on anyone!" I scold, pushing myself off the wall I'd been leaned against. Her head snaps in my direction, tears streaming down her cheeks with trembling lips.

"Did you know? Did you know they're leaving to go on tour Monday?" She questions me, nothing but pain in her voice. My eyes widen as I feel my heart sink, her words slowly processing.

"What?" It's the only thing I can seem to say, my voice barely even a whisper.

"Minnie,... I..." Jungkook says softly, reaching out for me. Turning towards him and looking up, I shake my head slightly. Stumbling backwards, I trip over my own feet to fall on my ass as I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Minnie, please. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to worry or hurt you. Please forgive me, Minnie. I didn't want to hurt you or hold you back from everything you've had going on with work." He explains with a gentle frown, sitting down beside me. Taking a deep breath, I bite my lip and nod my head.

"Okay." I whisper. He frowns more at my response, pulling me onto his lap and into his chest. Closing my eyes for a moment, I just accept the fact of what's happening and accept the fact that I have the ability to actually be close with him at the moment. Though, I guess all good things must come to an end at some point.

"Minsae? Can I have a word with you outside real quick?" Jingsah speaks up, harshly breaking the silence as she pokes her head inside the doorway. I groan quietly, not wanting to move at the moment nor deal with her shit.

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