Sick Day

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    Peter woke up with a headache. He groaned and didn't open his eyes. This was no ordinary headache, he felt like his head was being hit repeatly with a hammer.
    His dad was out on a mission so Uncle Steve and Aunt Tasha was going to take care of him. He wasn't ready for school. Steve appeared inside and sat at the edge of the bed, "Peter, honey you have to wake up. You don't want to be late for school. C'mon let's go."
    Peter got up hastily to avoid suspicion from his Uncle. He rushed to the bathroom not eager to get to school on time. After he got dressed, he went to the table where Steve had a pile of pancakes ready. Natasha was watching TV. "Morning kid." He replied, "Morning". He sat down and began to eat the pancakes.
     After he got up, he began to feel dizzy. He put his hand on the chair to steady himself. "Uncle Steve? I think I'm gonna throw up?" Steve understood and rushed Peter to the bathroom. He got there just in time. After minutes, the toilet was full of pancakes.
    Peter began stuttering, "I'm sorry Uncle Steve." Steve smiled. "It's okay. Just try not to talk so you save energy. I'll clean you up and Auntie Tasha will give you medicine okay?" He nodded.
   First Steve cleaned the toilet because the smell was enough for someone to vomit too. Then, he cleaned Peter's face with a washcloth. Then, he carried Peter to Nat.
    Nat pressed her hand to his forehead. "Peter, you have a fever." Peter tensed, "shots?" Nat shook her head. "No shots I promise. Just medicine." She reached into the medicine cupboard and pulled out some taannoyl. (the pink fever medicine) She pulled out a spoon and gave the medicine to Peter. After swallowing, Peter began to feel sleepy. She smiled and carried him to bed. She tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
   She closed the door leaving a small crack in case Peter needed someone. "Steve, what's the number for Peter's school?" Steve replied, "3479007898". (I just made it up ok this isn't a real number)
    Natasha dialed it and waited for someone to pick up. "Hi, I'm calling for Peter S-Parker, (She almost forgot about the fake last name for safety reasons) and I'm calling to let you know that he won't be able to attend school today because he is sick." She hung up the phone and sat back on the couch.
   You may ask why she just hung up? Because the Black Widow said so.

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