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Backstory: Peter Stark is the biological son of Tony Stark. Obadiah wants revenge and he’s going to break the Starks. This might be a one-shot series. Not graphic but mention of r***. Oh, and Peter has his powers.

Twelve year old Peter was leaning contently into his Papa’s lap, watching some movie that Peter didn’t care to know the name of. It was supposed to be a normal day. And then the alarms rang. And boy was it loud. Tony gently clamped his hands over Peter’s ears to prevent him from hurting himself. Tony’s suit was downstairs. And there were footsteps coming from downstairs. He scooped up Peter and ran to the secret door that was linked to a maze of tunnels that was used for emergencies. This being on of them. Peter’s eyes darted around scared. Tony carded his fingers through Peter’s hair, speaking calmly to fend off the panic attack that was close at bay. He spoke confidently, “Hey, we’re alright. Stay calm, breathe. 1. 2. 3. Feeling better?” Peter inhaled and exhaled three times matching Tony’s voice and then nodded. Tony replied, “Good” as he gently set Peter down to his feet.

Tony kept Peter right beside him as he traveled through the tunnels. Peter whispered, “Dad, I hear footsteps.” Tony nodded curtly, “Stay right behind me alright? Tell me if you sense anything.” Peter nodded, “Dad, how can we fight? We don’t have our suits.” Tony nodded squeezing Peter’s hand, “We’ll find the escape, we won’t fight.” Peter nodded. The two traveled through the maze, until they heard sets of footsteps coming from the South. And then footsteps coming from the North. Tony put a protective arm around Peter, guiding him towards the wall. Dozens of HYDRA agents poured into the hallway. Tony would have taken them out were it not for the terrified Peter. The next thing he knew someone dropped some chemical in the air and everything was spinning.

When Tony woke up, he was greeted by the metal cuffs digging in his wrists as they were hung above his head. He was on the floor, and a foot away was Peter still out. Let him sleep. It’ll be better. Tony looked around trying to see where they were. They weren’t at some HYDRA base, they were in some sort of cell.

Within a few minutes Peter snapped awake. He startled, not able to move his arms. He turned to his Dad who was assessing him for any injuries. “Dad, where are we?” Tony replied, “I don’t know. But I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” Within a few seconds a figure walked through the doors. He smirked, “Well, Tony, Peter, we meet again.” Oh. My. God.

Obadiah freaking Stane.

Peter visibly gulped. Tony would have but he had to keep calm, for Peter. No matter how terrified he was. He spit out, “Thought you were dead.” Stane replied, “Thought you were stronger too but here we are. So, how has life been treating you?” Tony spat, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Stane smiled, an unpleasant sight. “I don’t want to hurt you Tony, as much as I hate it, I still have the slightest fondness for you. However, for the little brat, I would love to hurt him.” Peter crawled as close to the wall as he could, trying to distance himself from Obadiah as much as possible. He did not like this.

Obadiah gently touched Peter’s head in a way that made him squirm. Tony snarled harshly despite the restraints, “Get your fucking hands off of him.” Obadiah mocked, “Or what?” Tony snarled, “I’ll kill you even if it’s the last thing I do.” Obadiah retreated from Peter, “Alright.” The next thing either Stark knew, they were consumed by the darkness.

When the Starks woke up, they were still restrained, but onto cold metal tables. Obadiah was standing there, waiting for them to wake up. He paced back and forth pretending to contemplate, “Now that you’re awake, which one do I get to inflict revenge on? Also, this place is uncharted, by the time your Avengers find you, it’ll be too late.” Too late for what?

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