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Summary :

Peter is five years old and is Son of Stark. However, he doesn't like needles and is terrified of them.

*I also have needlephobia so it might not be as detailed as my other oneshots.

     Little Peter crawled up to his dad, "Dada, are we going somewhere?" Tony gently nodded. "Yeah, buddy." He picked him up and got him dressed. Within five minutes the two were in the car. Peter fidgeted in his carseat, "Dada, where are we going?" Tony replied, "Its a place where people go as they get older. Cause your a big boy right Petey?" Peter nodded, holding up five fingers, "Yeah! Five years old! I'm not just like you Daddy!" At this, Tony chuckled.

     Peter was no stranger to check ups but this was his first time consciously getting shots. So when the doctor brought out a tray with a needle, he panicked. Tears streaming down his face, he buried his little body in Tony's chest. "NO NEEDLE DADA! PLEASE!" Tony rubbed circles on his back, feeling bad for his son.

"Hey it's okay. You want to hear a secret?" Peter curiously looked up at Tony. He replied, "I get shots too. If I take one would you feel better?" Peter nodded. The doctor got another needle but there was nothing in it and injected it into Tony. It was over within thirty seconds. "See Pete, it's nothing. Peter still looked scared, "Can I please hold your hand?" Tony held his hand as the needle pierces his skin. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks. Soon, it was over.

In the car, Peter said, "Dada, thank you for holding my hand." Tony smiled at him through the car mirror, "Of course baby."

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