What do I need? You

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Peter turned his head, hoping that today we wouldn’t have to deal with a beating. He was asexual and this seemed like a reason for everyone, teachers and students to treat him like their next victim.

A harsh shove sent him forward, books and papers spewing everywhere. Peter slowly got up just for someone to stomp on him back to the ground. Someone spit, “Don’t get up. The floor is for filth, like you.” Punch. Punch. Punch. Kick. Kick. Insult. Insult. Insult. Try not to cry. Try not to cry.

Stay silent. Let them finish. They are right. Freak. You’re a baby. Robbing your partner of what she needs. Or are you a faggot too? Suck a dick, oh wait! Yours doesn’t even work! Stupid ass. Your dad should have just worn a condom, oh wait, he’s dead! Wonder what they’d say if they saw you here now. Ashamed of their boy. Something hard hit him, yet Peter never felt so numb. Punch harder. Kick harder. Let him feel the pain.

Once they were done, Peter walked through the rain, to home. He just wanted to cry. When he got home, he saw Tony. All it took was one concerned, “Kid?” and the waterworks broke out.

Take me down to your paradise
Won't believe until I see the light
Break me out, make me so alive
I'm craving you like I need a high

I'm a desert, you're an ocean
It's your motion that I need
But without you I am broken
Left to thirst out in the heat

Tony looked surprised but held his arms around Peter strong, “Kid? Hey, hey it’s okay. What do you need?” Peter mumbled, “Stay with me please?” Tony nodded, “Alright, we can do that.” With a sudden heave, Tony carried Peter to his bedroom, slightly closing the door. He stayed by Peter’s side, the kid needed him and that was that. No room to argue.  

Tony gently rubbed circles on Peter’s back, letting his kid cry his heart out. After his sobbing had lessened up, “Mr. Stark?” Tony chastised, “Kid, it’s Tony. Don’t make your old man feel so old.” Peter whimpered, “What’s so wrong with me?” Tony gently cupped Peter’s face with the genuine smile that made the world smile back, “Absolutely nothing. Did someone say something?” Peter mumbled, “Someone always says something.” Tony nods, “I know, but you’ve got me right? And the Avengers. You want to just stay with me?” Peter curled into Tony’s side as he began to lie down getting as close to Tony as he could. Sleep always fixed everything. Proven fact.

Take me down to your paradise
I lose my words every time I try
To make sense on why I lose my mind
You're every wrong that I need at night

I'm a desert, you're an ocean
It's your motion that I need
But without you I am broken
Left to thirst out in the heat

A/N: Hey fam!!!! This one was short, sweet n simple.  I need some positivity cause I feel kinda down and if u guys could just comment some happy stuff? Tysm❤

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