I didn't mean to, I'm sorry

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Backstory: Peter is Stephen Strange’s son in this oneshot. Their is a fluffy ending.)

Stephen looked at the time, the clock reading 1:59 AM. Peter was four hours late from patrol. If he hadn’t had a rough day he would feel understanding, but he was more on the frustrated side. He always taught Peter about responsibility, “With great power comes great responsibility.” He wasn’t doing so great today.

Once Peter had stumbled through the door, hand pressed against his side to reduce the aching pain from whatever the heck hit him. Oh yeah, it was a bus. That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick. He hadn’t realized how late it was, then again he was unconscious for a few hours from a frickin bus thrown at him. He didn’t expect to see his father with a serious look on his face. Peter asked gently, “Dad? What are you doing up so late?” Stephen replied in a monotone voice, “I could ask you the same question. What were you doing past your curfew? I specifically told you that you had to be responsible! I taught you to be better than this!” He was standing up now, moving closer to Peter. He paused for a moment and saw the tears threatening to spill out and softened. He noticed that Peter was wincing. Peter shakily spoke, “I’m sorry Papa. I tried, but I got hit and I passed out. I’m sorry.” Tears pooled into his eyes as he ran into his room gently locking the door.

Peter gently slid onto the floor, eyes silently spilling tears as the disappointment of his father and the overwhelming amount of pain from the heavy bruising which was now bleeding (when did that happen?) There was a gentle rapping on the door. Stephen asked gently, “Peter, honey, I’m so sorry I got upset. I want to apologize, can I come in please?” Peter stood up carefully, opening the door, and collapsing into his father’s arms.

Stephen accepted Peter into his arms, gently rocking him as he coaxed softly, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I got you.” Peter cried into his father’s shoulder, burying in it to avoid the disappointment and humiliation. Stephen prodded his chin gently, “Hey, I’m not upset, or disappointed. I had a rough day and I shouldn’t have taken that out on you.” Stephen noticed a light patch of red and noticed the bleeding on his son’s side. He carefully examined it, careful not to hurt his son. Stephen spoke warmly, “Let me fix it up okay? It’s just a bruising, you can sleep with me in my room alright?”

Peter let his father carry him to his room, stopping to pick up a first-aid kit as he kept his face buried in his chest. Despite his father easing his worries, he still felt the guilt and embarrassment. He had made his father upset, and it made him upset. Stephen gently opened the door laying down on the bed, putting Peter on top of him. He asked gently, knowing that his son was still upset, “Pete, honey, can I fix it up?” This was his way of making sure that Peter was okay. Peter nodded, dipping his head back onto his father’s chest so he could fix the bruising.

Stephen worked carefully yet quickly to reduce the bleeding and clean the bruising. Once he was satisfied with his work, he lowered Peter’s shirt and turned off the lights, being that it was still before than three am. Stephen pulled Peter on top of him, raising the blankets up to his chin, so that he would be warm and cozy. He planted a gentle kiss on Peter’s forehead, keeping his arms snug around his chest tomorrow. He whispered softly, “I love you so much Peter. And, I’m sorry about earlier, I had a rough day and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m really sorry bud.” Peter nodded, “I’m sorry, I should have been more careful. I try but it’s not easy. You make it so easy, I just want to be like you.” Stephen smiled fondly at his son, “It’s alright, I’m so proud of you. You’re not like me, you’re better alright? Spidey Sorcerer?” Peter chuckled at the last bit, “I love you Papa.” Stephen lightly hummed, “I love you too, good night.” Stephen continued to hum as Peter feel asleep.

A/N: My good friend gracebruna13 just made a Wattpad account!

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