It's going to be okay

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*Trigger warnings of attempted suicide. Will put up warnings so you can skip the parts. 

     Peter was on the verge of tears. The past month things weren't going so good. Wanda and Steve were always too busy to hang out with him. Thor and Loki were in Asgard and weren't coming back until next month. Clint and Sam were always poking fun at him calling him weak and small. And Tony had begun locking himself in the lab and Bruce was worried about him. The only one who seemed to notice his little presence was Natasha. 

    Flash had gotten worse.  He began hurting Peter more often. Punching him harder leaving marks that lasted for days despite his advanced healing. Natasha knew something was wrong with Peter. She told Clint and Sam to lay off. She tried to hang out with Peter despite missions. She kept telling Tony to pay some attention to his son. 

     Peter had gotten a C on his History test. And he never got below an A-. When Natasha picked him up, she could tell something was wrong but she didn't want to push it. Instead, she reassured him saying. "It's going to be okay." She also noticed that he was wearing a full sleeve shirt in 85 degrees of heat. 

    *slight mention. Mention over at *. Look for the parenthesis. 

     But Peter knew it wouldn't get better. He covered his skin not because he was cold but because he had scars. He didn't want anyone to worry.*(It's good now) When they returned, the Avengers were talking about some Accords. Peter was listening intently and was going to make a suggestion when Tony spoke. "Kid, stay out of it. You are just a kid. Leave it to the adults." Peter nodded hiding his hurt feelings and went to do his homework. He ignored Natasha's sympathetic looks. After he left, Natasha fired, "Tony, he's your son. Let him speak."

    Upstairs, he had emptied out his stuff, leaving the bad test grade on top of his binder. He went to use the bathroom and didn't expect to see his dad looking very angry. "Peter? Care to explain?" He held the C in front of Peter's face. (Bad Tony. Shame on you and your cow.) Peter said nothing. Tony said, "I don't know what's gotten into you lately. I do so much for you. I let you be Spiderman, I give you the highest models and this how you use your time." Peter couldn't contain his anger anymore. "Maybe, you don't  understand that you are a KID. And we have other priorities besides you!" (Damn Tony. This hurt writing. I am so sorry guys. No more sad oneshots anymore.) 


     Peter didn't hold back tears as Tony slammed the door leaving Peter in silence. His dad was right. Clint, Sam and Flash was right. He deserved this. He was a loner. A freak. Unworthy of being the son of Tony Stark. Unworthy of being an Avenger. He was nothing. He slowly went to the bathroom. He searched for what he was looking for; a razor. He slammed the handle off and rolled up his sleeves. He pressed the cool blade against his soft scarred and skin and pushed. Harder than he ever did.  He didn't stop  till his arms and torso was dripping blood. And he was unconscious.


    The Avengers continued their debate until FRIDAY spoke. "Ms. Romanoff, it appears that Peter is in distress. He is currently unconscious." Tony interjected, "Why are you only alerting Natasha?" FRIDAY spoke with a hint of sass, "Well, Boss, Ms. Romanoff was the only one showing care to Peter than the others so I decided that the best one to know would be here. Good day Mr. Stark." Tony was quiet letting the words sink in. Everyone grabbed their weapons following Natasha who was already down the hall.  Natasha stormed in and her eyes fell into the bathroom. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She said in a hoarse voice, voice cracking, "GUYS? BRUCE!" COME QUICK!" The others ran in prepared to fight but dropped their weapons in shock. Natasha was softly stroking Peter's hair with a look of fear on her face. There was a note. 


     The note read, "I'm sorry. But with everything going on, you guys don't need a kid. Tell MJ I always liked her," Tony picked him up and they ran to the med bay. He put Peter on the table and Bruce began operating on him. 

    Tony waited outside, tears streaming down his face. Tears streaming down everyone's face. This was all there fault. Maybe if they had tried harder this wouldn't be happening. Clint and Sam were extra quiet. If they hadn't teased him after Natasha had told them to stop this wouldn't be happened. If Steve had payed more attention to the sounds next door. If Wanda had given Peter more time. Tony felt the worse. He was Peter's father. It was his job to notice this type of stuff. He should have picked up the signs. If he wasn't so busy in his lab he would have been able to help Peter study. This was all his fault. 

     Natasha was scared. She knew something was wrong since Peter had came out of school. Why didn't she say something? She should have picked up on the signs. She was a spy for damn sake. She wanted nothing more to hug Peter and protect him from all the evil. (Me too Nat.) Bruce came out half an hour later.

    "He'll be okay. Well, physically for sure. For now, just let Natasha in. This wasn't the first time." He warned them. Natasha bolted inside and sat in the chair next to Peter. She looked at him. There was many stitches. A few said, "Loser", "Freak" and "Unworthy". God, there was so many scars. She wanted to make him better. Erase the scars. But scars are a part of recovery. She learned it herself. She used to do those things to herself. But she stopped for Peter's sake. Heck, Peter kept her sane. So sane. He was her everything. She hated seeing her everything so broken. So hurt. She began to cry. Tears rolling down the stitches. 

    When she felt Peter stir, she smiled. A genuine, gentle smile. "Hey, bud, how are you feeling?" She ran her hand through his hair as he cried. "I'm so sorry." She wiped the tears away with her thumb. "Peter, listen to me. You aren't any of those. You are brave, smart, and unique. And, oh so strong. Stronger than any of us. You are the only thing that keeps me sane. We all love you. Especially your Dad. They feel bad. They really do."

     "You mean it?" She nodded, "Every damn word."

    When Bruce double checked his vitals, he let the others in. Tony was the first one in, eyes, red and puffy from crying and the coffee to keep him up. He engulfed Peter in a tight hug. "Oh, Peter, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for being a bad dad." Peter smiled, "It's okay. But you weren't a bad dad." "Aw Pete. Don't make your old man cry even more."

    Wanda and Steve came in next. Wanda hugged Peter tightly. "Peter, I'm so sorry. I promise to always make time for you." Steve also hugged Peter saying that he was sorry. "It's okay." And he meant it. 

    The last ones to come was Clint and Sam. Clint joked, "Damn, nice abs." That got a chuckle out of Peter. "But really kid, I'm so sorry." Sam nodded. "We should have stopped. We're sorry."


   Peter had a full recovery and everything was going back to normal. Thor and Loki had returned. Peter stopped hurting and the Avengers payed more attention. Everything was  back to normal. Even better than normal.

    They were a Superfamily.  


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