Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

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    Peter winced as the blade dug across his forearm. He wanted to go home. He wanted to be with his dad and his family. He was scared. He didn't know if anyone was going to find him before it was too late. 

    A deep Russian voice rang out. "Ah yes. The Spider. This one will not be changed. It would be better to have him ransom. But who's to say we can't have our fun? Vulture you have succeeded in your mission. You may have the rest of the day off." The Vulture nodded. "Thank you Master. All hail HYDRA." And he left. His once soft spandex was now drenched in blood. His forehead was full of cuts and bruises. His arms were all bloody. He looked at his left arm and almost gasped. There was a deep gash right down his inner arm and didn't look to be healing any time soon. He looked at his right arm. His arm was drenched in his own blood. When the airplane had fallen on him he shielded his face with it. He watched as the HYDRA man approach him. He placed the tray on the table next to where Peter was pinned down to. There was a wrench, needles, and blades. He gulped as the man evilly smiled. He picked up one blade and lifted the spandex to his bare torso. He clenched his eyes tightly and bit his tongue as the blade dug deep into his skin. He held back as the man drived the blade around him. He felt his soft skin breaking and tears spilling down. 

     "Steve, I don't care. Peter is in danger! He could be hurt or gone by now! I don't care what Fury says. Peter is in danger!" Steve lowered his head. "I know. I'm just as mad." Tony rolled his head. "So, Captain, then do something!" Steve said in an annoyed voice, "I'm trying! God Tony I am scared. Especially if they do what they did to Bucky. Just give him some time." Tony rolled his eyes mumbling to himself. Then, Natasha spoke. "Guys, HYDRA just sent us a video." They bolted and where there in seconds. 

    They played the video in silence. The "Master" spoke, "Ah, the Avengers. Couldn't find your dear friend? In a matter of time, he will be dead. Just like the rest of you." Tony pressed a button and got a hold of their location. "The camera was now zoomed in on Peter and Natasha dropped her knife in shock. Peter was entirely covered in blood with deep gashes all over. Tony choked back a cry. His boy. His innocent little boy didn't deserve this. His eyes turned red with fury. "Leave him out of it. Your problem is with us not him." The man laughed. "For a genius. You are really dumb. I need him for two reasons. How else am I supposed to lure you? Besides, the kid himself is an Avenger. He has some intel. He's not talking. Maybe you can make him talk so when you find him, he's not dead. You get two minutes." As if on cue, Peter began to wake. He let out in a soft voice, "Dad?" Tony reassuringly smiled for two reasons.  One, so Peter wouldn't worry. Two, Peter was alive and normal. Hurt but normal. Tony said, "Hey buddy, don't worry. We are going to get you home okay? We're coming. Peter weakly responded as his eyes threaten to close again, "please  hurry." Then the camera went blank. 

     It hurt everyone to see Peter like that. He was so kind, funny and lovable. He didn't deserve this. And the way his voice fell as he said, "please hurry" broke everyone's heart. Even Natasha was blinking back tears trying to keep her composure. She spoke in a voice that was unlike herself. The old Natasha was coming. The one who fought with vengeance. She could kill anyone who stopped in her  way right now. Fuck, she'd kill the HYDRA man herself. She said with a sharp edge in her voice that all the Avengers understood. She was really pissed off and that guy was going to wish he was dead. They stole a jet and headed to London, England. Wanda used her magic to see locate Peter's exact location.

    The man spoke. "I will not repeat myself again. What is the access code to overriding the AI?" Peter gulped, "I-I don't know!" He frantically said.  In truth, he did know. And the man knew it. "Fine. Have it your way." He walked to where Peter's wrist was tied down. He moved the scarfs down do he couldn't bend his elbow. The man placed the wrench one inch from his wrist. Peter laughed. "I have enhanced healing." The man smiled making Peter frown. "I know." He dug the wrench across Peter's arm and he let out a yelp. The man smacked him leaving a mark on his face. "Do NOT shout out." He held the wrench high like Thor would hold a hammer. Peter realized what he was going to do and he tried to bend his arm but he couldn't. The man slammed the wrench down on Peter's wrist and shattered it. Then, a guard burst in. "Avengers." The man smiled. "Bring them here." In less than a minute, a very angry Iron Man, Captain America, War Machine, Falcon, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, White Wolf and a very pissed off Black Widow entered the room. Bruce was in the jet to help Peter with his injuries. The man smiled and held up a hand. Peter was somewhat conscious, eyes open but made no motion. Limp and eyes emotionless. He pulled out a gun against Peter's head. The Avengers froze. One wrong move would be all it took. 

   The man laughed enjoying their reaction. "Now, now, don't be hasty. He's useless to me in every way except for destroying you. He hasn't much left in him. I'm surprised. He would make an excellent rank." Tony spat with venom, "Never. Touch. Him. Again." He pressed his finger and Tony shut up. He eyed everyone carefully. Iron Man with such fear. Love. Pathetic. The Captain holding the shield lowered in fear of this boy. Hawk had his arrows lowered but his eyes shone with hate. War Machine and Falcon maintained their ground but didn't fire. Scarlet Witch was not glowing red or using her powers. She knew it would cost Peter. Someone was missing. The Black Widow. The next thing he knew, a weight dropped down on him and he fell to the ground. Black fabric was rolling around his eyesight. He fought back. But the Widow was far superior. Soon,. the others joined in. Scarlet used her magic and held him down. The others fired. The Hawk put an end to it and sent an arrow into his heart. 

     They rushed to Peter. Tony picked him up bridal style and held him gently. He flew him to the jet others following behind. As Tony flew, he looked at Peter. He was scared. Peter wouldn't be the same anymore. He wished he could erase those three days from Peter's mind. He gently laid Peter down on the bed and Bruce began to work. Tony watched from the window along with everyone else. Peter had changed. He looked so pale now. The veins in his arms were showing. He also looked weaker and scared. He watched Bruce unzip the spandex in horror. What had they done to his son? After a while, Bruce came out. He said, "He will be fine. Tony you can go in." 

    Tony wasted no time in getting inside the room. He pulled up a chair next to Peter's side and stroked his head lightly. 


   "DAAD! I'M HOME!" Peter yelled as he entered the Tower. He walked inside the lab and Tony was sitting there head in hands. He was frustrated. Trying to sleep but couldn't. Peter had led him into the living room. He pulled out some blankets and pillows and laid them over Tony. He curled up into Tony's side and soon Tony and fallen asleep. 

Flashback: (1 month ago)

    It was a hard mission. Everyone was all banged up and  bruised. Even Natasha got shot. Peter was hurt but he quickly recovered with his fast healing. Tony had taken a hit for Steve and was unconscious. He remembered waking up to a voice he could never forget. "Dad, I don't know if you can hear me but I miss you. I love you. Please wake up." He felt splashes-tears. He pushed himself to wake up. Peter needed him. With a flutter of his eyes, Tony felt his boy wrapped around him.

    He didn't realize how long he was there until Natasha came in with a food tray. "It's dinner time." Tony glanced at the clock. He was sitting there for four hours. "I'm not hungry. Natasha softened. "Tones, please. Peter will wake up. If he knew you weren't eating for him, he'd be devastated." Tony accepted the food. He stayed by his side refusing to close his eyes. 

   Around another hour, he felt Peter stir. His eyes fluttered open and he looked wildly around the room onto Tony's face. Tony smiled, "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Water pooled in Peter's eyes as he tried to sit up. Tony helped him up and hugged Peter tight. After they pulled apart, Tony gave Peter his food tray. "Dad, did you eat?" Tony almost cried right there. Peter was just tortured and God knows what else and he still cares if he had eaten. God, this kid was everything to him. "Yes bud, I did. How are you feeling?" Peter said, "My arms hurt but otherwise I feel sore." He didn't mention the heavy pain in his torso. But he gently brushed a hand to it and winced. And Tony noticed. "Where does it hurt bud?" Peter shook his head. Tony reassuringly said, "Hey, it's okay. Just let me see okay?" Peter reluctantly lifted his shirt. There was big scar and stitches. It broke Tony seeing Peter in pain. He gently lowered the shirt and hugged Peter tight. "It's gonna be okay. I promise."

    While Peter was sleeping, Tony made a promise along the rest of the Avengers that they would be damned if they did. If anyone, HYDRA, SHIELD, or anyone harms or even spits in Peter's direction, they would deal with all of them. Every single one of them. And Tony made a special promise to himself and Peter. He would always keep Peter safe. He'd help Peter through this. 

They all would. What Peter didn't know was while he was sleeping, the Avengers payed a special visit to the HYDRA base leader and the Vulture. Let's just say they won't be heard of ever again.  

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