You and Me (MimiZanna)

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You and Me

Do you know the feeling when your heart skips a beat ?

That's when you decide if its good or bad.

And i may get a heart attack just by seeing your face.

My wings have finally grown like a fairy's heart.

Lend me your ear,

Hear out my secret,

"I love you", she whispered ,"Nothing can change this feelin."

I have found happiness once again,

So let it Shine oh-oh

Let it glitter oh-oh

Lets have fun,before this one ends as well.

So hopeless of me,

So careless of me,

Don't you worry,

My lil' sweet heart,

I'll take care of it, yes all of it.

She was born in a flowerbed,

But no butterfly ever came.

what a pain.

She had to look for one herself.

Was it fruitful? Was it worth it ?

Yes, it was better than nothing!

And Spring is yet to come,

Flowers are yet to bloom,

Butterflies are yet to greet,

I guess i am an exception.

Am i talkin too much of myself ?

But i am so happy,

it's almost a disease.

Forgive meh, but i cant leave hatred.

It lead me to happiness,

It'll lead me to success.

You don't have to agree,yah nobody forced you to.

So don't come in my way,

Don't you dare take away my happiness.

Wow so ironic!

Happiness and Hatred, what a couple!

And that's how fate tied us.

I wonder where this train goes to.

Is it to the Jurrasic park or to the kingdom of hearts ?

Whichever it is, don't let go of my hand,

Cux i m afraid i may not reach it again.

What the future holds, is undefined,

But you and me are far too defined.

This makes no sense,

I know that,

But, it will soon.

She gripped his hand tightly,

Afraid someone would separate them.

She looked at him,

Sincerity in his eyes.

He smiled broadly,

and she laughed cutely.

He held her closer,

Feelings are bound together.

Quite the fairy she was,

He picked her up like a princess,

And kissed her forehead.

"Did i fulfill your dream?" he asked.

She blushed and hugged him.

Is this a happy ending ?

Or is there more to it ?

Together we will fight the enemy,

Together we will live our life.

That's just me , wishing it like that.

But remember i said "we".

You are my first Dream,

The rest comes after.

The wind blew,

The petals flew,

The clouds dissolved,

The sky clear,

The sun shone brightly,

And whats more clear than the sky ?

That's You and Me.

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