Shared Words become our World (newpoet)

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Shared Words become our World 

A poem shared is a gift

from one's inner self

to another's inner world.

The words formed in belief

Of the treasure that must be left

Well formed to shine out to be bold.

To sing for the receiver as for the giver

Words of power that pluck the strings

Make the music to accompany our feelings

For others to dream in those lines

And sigh in empathy of humanities

Creativity, the art of words leave worlds.

Committed to memory so can be retold

A poem shared is the gift not sold

Nor brought, for they hold the poet's soul

The poem is the human spirit the fire

free to grow as a flower, to admire

with each oral telling words take hold.

A poem shared is a gift

from one's inner self

to another's inner world.

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