Melancholic Melody (Reflection--)

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Melancholic Melody

The natural pearls pressed soft,

The next sharp obsidian followed,

Slender fingers glazed across,

The melancholic monochrome hollow.

Waves of echo, wavered about,

Halo of sweet whispers forlorn,

Disciplined fingers moved around,

A note after another, gloom airborne.

The sonic elegance wanted a medley,

With the only vibration which fulfilled,

Helix of mellow, dark and rich,

A pitch of delight, saddened still.

A sound so pure, so synergizing,

Melody of hope, of light in the dark,

But, the harmonious mingle couldn't happen,

Thus, the music was made with keys as sharp.

The slender fingers controlling the keys

Of ivory and onyx made,

Tried to chase the escaping memory,

Fluttering, fading, which swiftly swayed.

Chase continued, but she couldn't find,

Foraging in the darkness, looking for him.

Harmony drifting in the thick subconcious,

Bellowing as if a sweet sacred hymn.

The corona of pleasant harmonic spectrum,

Clear and bright, engulfed her within,

Melody evolving from sorrowful to raging,

The saga of abandonment was about to begin.

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