The First Day

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Jay's POV

I combed my curly, dark chocalate, hair out of my pale freckled face. I let my natural curls do their job as I looked into the mirror high and proud. I stared into my electric blue eyes and got a little nervous as I slouched back in chair. 

Today was my first day of School. Well actually the first day of school was three months ago, but I recently moved cause of my dad's job. I was nervous, frightened, and scared about what people might think of me or how I look or better yet my family. 

As soon as I thought that someone burst into my bedroom; I turned around from my mirror to see my mother with her normal overalls, a green t-shirt, and her slightly brownish gray hair in a bun. "Son, stop getting ready and come down for breakfast. The bus will be here in about five minutes to pick you up" She said as she sprinted back out of my room. 

I quickly grabbed my backpack with all my supplies and headed out of my room into the kitchen where my father was just finishing and mother was jumping up and down. I sat down at the table once mom served me some scrambled eggs. It didn't take me long to finish them off, but I was still hungry though I didn't mind. I saw out of our window a yellow bus heading towards the Junkyard which is where I was and jumped out of my seat. 

I ran out the door not even noticing that my parents were yelling good bye to me. I came to the bus stop and got on. There was only a couple people on the bus though, not many , but I might as well sit next to someone. I spotted a blonde boy in a green sweatshirt that looked about my age, so I decided to go sit with him. I walked over to the bus seat and asked, "Are you saving this seat by any chance?"

He shook his head, "No, go ahead" He said as I took a seat on the uncomfortable chair. The blonde looked at me up and down, "I'm guessing your a new student at Ninjago High" He assumed. 

I nodded, "Yeah, I just transferred. This is my last year of high school" I informed him. "Me too. My name is Lloyd Garmadon" The blonde introduced as held out his hand. 

"Jay Walker" I said as I shook his hand. 

"Do you have your schedule yet?" Lloyd asked.

 "Yeah I just got it yesterday, but I don't know where any of the classes are" I told him as I took out my schedule for him to see. 

Lloyd smiled, "Well you and I have Math and Science together. You also have a lot of classes with my friends. I can introduce them to you if you want" he offered. 

"That would be great!" I exclaimed. It took about thirty minutes to get all the way to the front entrance  of Ninjago High. It's a lot different then my other high school that's for sure. The bus came to a stop and everyone got off, but I stayed with Lloyd.

 "Come meet my friends Jay" He said as he directed me to three boys at one of the picnic tables near the gym. 

"Hey guys. I would like you to introduce you to someone. This is Jay Walker, he's new here" Lloyd projected.

 He pointed to the guy I the white vest with a blue long sleeve shirt underneath it, "That's Zane" Than he pointed to the more muscular guy with the black shaggy hair, "This is Cole" After him he pointed to the last boy in the red football jacket for team Ninjago high, "And this is Kai."

"It's nice to meet all of you" I said politely. 

They all smiled at me, "Looks like we got a new member of the squad" Kai said with a little chuckle. 

Cole agreed, "You're going to like it here, so don't you even worry. We'll make sure you make it out alive this year" He joked. 

Zane just sat there quietly waiting for his turn to speak, "What are some of your classes, Jay?" He asked. 

I handed them all my schedule and they were all in my classes which was good in my favor. Then a little ding was heard and Kai picked up his iPhone and groaned, "What's wrong Kai?" Cole asked. 

"It's Nya again. She's out on a date with Morro again. Oh how I hate that demon" He sighed in annoyance. 

I was confused on who this 'Nya' person is, so I asked, "Who's Nya?" I asked with curiosity. 

Lloyd patted my back, "Nya is Kai's little sister. She's two years younger than him, but she's in the same grade as him. And before you ask who Morro is he's my twin brother and don't mess with him or you'll be on your death bed" Lloyd warned me. 

The bell rang and I have to go to my first class which is social studies. I was in it with Cole, so I got to sit with him during the lesson. Once that was over it was gym which I will say is not my best, but if it is anything with running I'll do. But I then saw this beautiful girl with long, raven, hair that's tied up in a pony tail and has the most gorgeous ocean blue eyes. I was partnered with her as my Gym Supporter or something I don't understand. 

We were walking around the track and she asks me, "What's your name? I never asked you" She said kindly.

 "Jay Walker. You?" I asked.

 "Nya, Nya Smith" She responded. Oh my god. This is Kai's sister. Dang she's really hot. Wait no! Jay she's already has a boyfriend back off!! I thought in my head. 

"I heard about you. I'm friends with you brother" I told her. 

"Kai? Oh you'll get along with him just fine. Do have any questions about anything?" She asked me. 

I thought about it for a moment and then something popped up, "What should I be aware of in this school?" I asked. 

She giggled a little and looked back at me, "Well you should watch out for my group of friends Morro, Camille, and Ash. They're what we call the popular bad boy/girl group" She said, "But other than that everything is usually fine." 

The bell then rang and we had to go to our next class, but before I walked away from Nya I asked, "You want to hang out sometime?" I asked feeling stupid cause she already has a Boyfriend. 

But I wasn't prepared for what happened next, "Sure, I can meet at my brothers and I apartment in a couple days" She said as she left for her next class. 

The school day was now over and all I thought about was Nya. I could just imagine her smile, eyes, hair, and everything. I might not be an option for her to date, but I would at least start as a friend. 

Once I arrived back home my phone rang and once I picked it up the caller said, "Stay away from Nya or else someone gets hurt" and then it hung up. 

That was both weird and mean. Also it's my first day! Give me a break already! I only talked to a girl it wasn't that hard. Wait I just realized I actually talked to a girl!!!

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