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Jay's POV

I've stayed with Kai and Nya for about three days now and so much happened. After Kai reported Morro for raping Nya, we took her straight to the emergency room. It took almost four hours before Nya was able to go home. They apparently do test for any diseases or any pregnancy signs. From what the doctor said at least, we should be getting results back in a couple days or so.

And that day was today.

Kai, Nya, and I were sitting around a circular table with a letter sitting in the middle. The results. It tells us if Nya is pregnant or has a disease which from what I can tell is something no one wants. "Are you ready?" Kai asked his sister with a worried voice. All she did was nod and picked up the sidled envelope, she opened it up and got the first glimpse of the results. 

She sighed, "I have no diseases other than the one I had listed and I'm not pregnant" She announced.   

Kai and I sighed in relief, "That's great- wait. What other disease?" I questioned. Nya's eyes widened as if she was having a panic attack, she kept looking back and fourth from me to Kai. Kai looked just as freaked out, but I have no clue why.

I saw Kai bit his lip before slamming his fist against the table, he sighed, "You know how we have been telling you about our childhood and how you asked many questions on the certain 6 year gap" Kai said.

 I nodded, "Well we have a reason for that, let's just start it off after our parents died-" Kai was saying, but his sister interrupted, "I can tell the story. It is my story as well."

The ravenette took in a deep breath, "after our parents died from the crash when I was 3 and Kai was 5, we went through all these foster care systems. The thing was they never got us the correct matches, so we would have drunk, abusive, smokers as our foster parents for like two months until going to a different family. When I was about 5 or 6, one of our fosters were very heavy smokers and drinkers, they would smoke inside the house 24/7 for no good reason and drink along with it. It wasn't until one day when I couldn't breath and I collapsed. My brother begged our fosters to take me to the hospital, but they didn't care." She started.

"When the fosters didn't do anything, I did something. I picked up my sister and ran to the next door neighbor and begged them to call 911. Luckily they did and we were placed in an ambulance off to the hospital. When we got there however they didn't let me go with me sister and forced me to stay in the waiting room. 2 hours later the nurse comes in to let me see my sister in her hospital bed with machines connected to multiple parts of her small form and I didn't know what was happening." Kai was saying, but didn't finish as tears started to form in his eyes. 

"I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I took treatments and many treatments until I was about seven or eight when I got the surgery I needed. After that I went through even more treatments mostly chemotherapy and lost my hair and all that and had to live in the children's hospital , but when I turned 12 I was home free. I was cured from the cancer and I was able to go to public school with a higher education so I went up a couple grade levels. We still didn't have anyone to watch over us so we did go to the orphanage until Kai turned 18. We both swore not to bring that dark time back into our lives unless it's fully necessary such as what happened with Morro" Nya confessed.

I was shocked. The most popular girl in school had to deal with the number one cause of death in cancer. That's something I would never expect, so I'm guessing the Grandmother never existed then.

"Wow. I would have never guessed. You both have been through so much already, but to know that it happened in your childhood as well is just-" I was saying until Kai interfered, "Terrifying." 

Then all of a sudden the doorbell rang and Kai went over to open it to revel. Him. "You are not allowed in the apartment Morro" Kai responded as he was about to slam the door, but Morro put his foot between the door and the doorframe, "I had another idea actually."

Morro punched Kai in the face bringing him down to the ground, "CALL THE POLICE!!! AND RUN!!!" Kai screamed as Morro was walking towards Nya and I. I quickly got up and grabbed ahold of Nya's hand and run over to what looks like Kai's room and locked the door. I was already calling the police as I saw Nya rummaging through one of her brothers drawers.

"This is Ninjago Police Department" The female voice greeted. 

"Hello this is Jay Walker and there is a mad man in my friend apartment and he's already knocked out my friend" I told the women franticly. I then told her where we were located, but the door kept making a loud noise from Morro's anger . 

I went back over to Nya to see her loading a hand gun, I'm guessing it was Kai's since he is a police in training. We hid inside the nearest closet and stayed silent and the door opened to revel Morro. He was about to do something, but Nya stood up and pointed the loaded gun at him, "Touch us and I shoot" She hissed. 

"I know you wouldn't do that, princess. Besides my brother is already under police custody, you wouldn't want to make me sadder" He taunted as he walked closer to her. Then there was a bang. A loud bang that made a body fall to the ground.

Nya pulled the trigger sending a bullet into Morro's shoulder, "That's what you deserved after what you did to me you baster. You made me miserable, now you should feel my pain." Nya cried as she grabbed my hand and ran out of the closet. 

We came back into the hallway where Kai was holding his stomach and we started to here sirens. The police parked in the drive way and came in the apartment. They got ahold of Morro and brought Kai over to the hospital.

Wow. We went to the hospital twice in only three days. Now I know for sure that there'll be a lot more chaos in this city.

*Little note here. I don't know much about cancer, so if I wrote something that isn't true then I'm sorry. I tried to get as much information as I could from the internet ad used it for the story line.*

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