Coffee Talk

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Jay's POV 

"Guys, I have something to tell you." 

We all looked at him worried. None of us had really been able to talk to the cake lover since the passing of his mom. And from what I was able to comprehend, this wasn't going to be any good news any time soon. 

Zane put his hand on Cole's shoulder, "What is it? Is there something troubling you?" 

The shaggy haired teen sighed, "Y-Yeah, well I don't know where to put this, but my d-dad, he decided it was best for us to move." 

I held my breath, "WHAT?!? What do you mean?!? Like move out of Ninjago City?!?" I blurted out, practically frightening the other customers in the coffee shop. 

Cole looked down at his sweaty palms, that were mostly fidgeting from sharing the news, "Y-Yeah. He told me he wanted a fresh start after my m-mom's passing. He hasn't even been in their bedroom since then. My dad just told me our home reminds him of her. So he's thinking of agreeing to go on that Blacksmith's tour with the band, and I'll be joining him." 

Kai pulled his friend into a side hug, "I'm so sorry bud, moving is tough. Especially after something as traumatic as this, and on your senior year." The hothead told him. 

"Do you know when the tour starts?" Nya asked him. 

"In a couple months, not long after prom." Cole covered his face with his hands, "What am I going to do? I'm giving up everything I've ever known. My home, my friends, my livelihood. I'm not even sure how I'm going to finish out the year if I don't get all my credits in time." 

"You'll figure something out. If you ever need anything we're only a call away, we'll get through this together." The young Garmadon encouraged. 

"Thanks guys." We all circled each other's arms around each other the best we could in a big group hug, "I don't know what I could do without you." 

"You'd be fat on cake if it wasn't for us-" 

"Oh why you!" 

Cole broke from the group hug and roughly ruffled the gelled spikes from the protesting Kai Smith. Soon enough a waitress came over and asked as what we wanted to order. I only wanted some hot chocolate, with a little whip cream while everyone else ordered coffee.

"I still don't understand why you never order coffee, that's just unheard of." 

"Well Cole, I only have coffee on very special occasions." 

"Have you ever tried coffee?" Lloyd started to question, bring his Iced Chai Latte to his lips. 

I rolled my eyes at the two, "Yes I have had coffee, I just don't have it as much." 

"When was the last time you had some?" Zane asked, now starting to get intrigued by the new founding of my character. 

"Last week." 

I looked over to my girlfriend, drinking her Pumpkin Spice Latte, with a little smirk on her face. Right when she placed her cup down on the table, using my quick reflexes, grabbed the cup by the handle a took a huge sip out of it. Nya looked like I had just stomped on her favorite dart.

"No silly, I had coffee a few seconds ago." I corrected, teasingly as she sticks her tongue at me. 

I put the cup back down on the table and she looks down at what was remaining as gasped, "You drank the whole thing!" 

I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, "Hehe yeah that's one of the reasons I don't drink coffee that often anymore." 

Nya called up the waiter and order a new cup after I had just ended her haven of caffeine. The conversation shifted from depressing matters, studying exams, and to weird things from out of no where.

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