A Class Project

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Jay's POV

It's been a week since the aftermath of The BIG Game and I still don't know what exactly happened. I've been asking Kai what happened, but he always told me that it's personal and never talks about it again. I even asked the guys and they said Kai has that answer all the time! 

I just want to know if Nya's okay, but like always Morro is with her. I have over half of my classes with her and only one of them is without Morro!  Anyway it was science and Mr.Wu was telling us our next project. The thing was that we needed to do something to help the community in any shape or form. He gave examples like volunteering for the animal shelter and something else I don't remember, but he said that he was choosing partners..... 

The only person I even like in here is Nya and Kai! I swear if I get Morro as a partner I will scream bloody murder. The teacher grabbed a basket with little pieces of paper that he says has all our names on it and he's drawing random partners and you can't change it. 

"Alright the first pair up is...... Morro" Wu informed as he picked up the first paper, "And Kai." I looked over at Kai who was next to me and it looks like he was about to explode. 

"I can't work with him Wu! I will never get anything done!" Kai yelled desperately as he stood up from his chair. 

I looked across the room to see Nya rolling her eyes at her brothers behavior, "Kai sit down you're making a scene" She told him as he glared at his sister. 

Kai sat back down in his chair looking pretty ticked as usually and the teacher continued calling out names. Then suddenly my name was called and there was three other kids names in the basket. Wu picked up a piece of paper and said, "Nya Smith." 

'YES!' I exclaimed in my head. I got Nya! I couldn't believe I got my crush as my partner! I don't think I have ever been this happy my whole life! I felt something shake me and I broke out of my day dream and saw Kai still angry as before. 

"I don't want to work with Morro, Jay! I can't work with him after what happened last time" He told me as I could see behind him Morro rolling his eyes.

 "What happened last time?" I asked my hot headed friend. 

The boy in  red sighed, "Thank to him, I got kicked off the football team! I always told Nya that it was cause of my grades, but really it was cause of that son of a-" But before Kai could finish, Wu hit his head with a cane, "Don't use fowl language in my class Mr. Smith."

Small giggles were heard over the class and the bell rang before Kai could finish his story. Luckily, that was my last class, so I have the rest of the day off. Kai and the others had so extra courses to get through though, so I was on my own. Well that was until Nya walked up to me sitting at my picnic table. 

"Hey Jay" She said kindly.

 "Hi Nya" I said back with a smile. 

"Is it okay if I sit here with you?" She asked. 

I nodded and she sat down next to me on the bench, "So, I'm guessing you don't have any classes after Science" I assumed. 

The raven head nodded, "Yeah, I just have to wait an extra 45 minutes for my brother to get out of class, so I can go home" Nya said a bit dramatic, but cute at the same time. 

"Well then while we wait, should we talk about what to do for our Science project?" I asked. She nodded and we start thinking of ideas for what to do. 

"Maybe we could volunteer at a nursing home" I suggested to her. 

"I like the idea of the volunteer work, but is it okay to do the children hospital instead of the nursing home?" She asked. 

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