Lost Ones

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Jay's POV

Nya and I were in the ambulance with Kai as he was getting the medical attention he needed. Gashes of blood was scattered on his arms and face, some old scars have reopened even the one on his eye. As for Morro, he was put in a separate ambulance from us because he lied, raped Nya, and attacked Kai. And there was also no way he was getting near Nya again. 

As I observed Kai and his conditions, Nya was snuggling into my chest as she shaking from both shock and fear. I still cannot believe that she actually had the courage to shoot Morro after all he had done to her and her family. For goodness sake I would be bawling into a corner by now if I was her!

I felt the automobile suddenly stop from what I have guessed we have arrived at our destination. The Medical Technicians opened up the back of the ambulance and brought Kai out on a gurney. Nya and I followed, but once we got into the waiting room area someone stopped us. "I'm sorry, but you can't go in there right now" an office aid told us. 

I looked down at Nya to see her disappointed. I started to see tears form in her eyes as I pulled her closer to me. We stayed like that for a moment until I noticed someone familiar. It looked male with black shaggy hair and huge muscles- It's Cole!

"Cole?" I asked randomly as Nya pulled from the hug and turned around to see our good old friend, but this was different. His eyes were puffy and red from what looks like crying and an older man with slicked back hair and a pushy mustache was next to him. 

"Jay ,Nya?" He asked, "Oh thank god" He walked over to us and pulled us back into a hug, but more tighter. 

I could tell Nya was just as confused as I was, "Cole, what happened? Why are you here at the hospital?" I asked him as we pulled away from his grasp. 

He ran his fingers through his hair, "I-It's my M-Mother. S-She had a-a g-gun and she p-pulled the t-trigger to her h-head in the b-bathroom" He cried as more tears streamed down his face. 

Oh no. Mrs. Brookstone tried to commit suicide. I REALLY didn't expect that. "Cole, I'm so sorry" Nya apologized as she gave a single hug to him in comfort.

 "Why are you two here though?" The blacked hair man questioned. 

I sighed, "Well technically it's our second time in three days, but for today it's about Kai. Morro broke into the house and beat him up to the bone and Nya shot the devil in response-" I was interrupted by our shocked friend, "Hold up! Nya shot Morro!?!" He shouted getting the guest in the waiting room terrified. 

"It was self-defense! After what he did to me, I'm not taking anymore chances" The ravenette reasoned. 

Cole gave a questionable look, "What did he do exactly?" 

I shrugged, "That's a story for another time. Right now we need to focus on your mother and Kai" I said. 

We took a seat on the black, uncomfortable chairs as silence took over the room. It then became from minutes to hours and at this point Nya was asleep on my shoulder. Suddenly a nurse came in from the operating room, "Roni Brookstone?" The nurse asked. Cole and the old man stood up and walked over to the nurse.

From what it looked like on their faces, it wasn't good news. Cole hugged the old man as both of them cried their hearts out. From the looks of it, Mrs. Brookstone didn't make it. I felt my heart break as I saw them walk out of the hospital with depressed faces. I hate it when someone loses a parent especially when they know what the cause is and the emotions. 

"Kai Smith?" The nurse asked. 

I shook Nya a tad until she awoken from her slumber. My eyes met with hers, "They're ready to tell us more about Kai" I told her. She simply nodded as we walked on over to the nurse.

"Okay, so Mr. Smith went into a surgery for his shoulder as it was popped out of place and a little fracture on the collarbone. He also has a couple broken ribs, but it should all heal up nicely in a few weeks or so. He is also wide awake and has requested for both of you" She told us. I smiled as we walked behind the nurse to Kai's room. 

His hospital room was at the very end of the hall. Nya took a deep breath and opened the door to see her brother on a hospital bed with a sling around his arm and bandages on his ribcage area. "If you need anything just holler" The nurse told us before closing the door. 

Nya ran straight up to her brother and gave him a hug before he cried in pain, "Opps, sorry bout that brother. Forgot you had broken ribs" she told him as she gave a weak smile.

 He chuckled, "You're good, but what I want to know is are you two okay? All I know is that Morro went into my bedroom and I heard a gun shot. I thought Morro shot one of you!" He proclaimed. 

I shock my head, "Well I locked your bedroom door, called 911, and locked myself and Nya in your closet. Then Morro opened the closet door and Nya shot him with one of your handguns" I explained as Kai's eyes widen. 

"You used my gun! How do you know how to even load one!?!" He freaked as he grabbed ahold of Nya's wrist. 

She giggle nervously, "Let's just say I've learned a thing or two when it's take your sister to work day" She confessed. 

Kai facepalmed, "I'm so going to kill Tommy for this" he murmured under his breath as I laughed. Nya and I took a seat in the room as Nya still held ahold of Kai's hand, and from the looks of it is never letting go. 

"Jay make sure to call the others about this and tell them I'm okay before they freak out more when we return to school on Friday" Kai appointed. 

I nodded before stopping myself, "Cole already knows, he was here when we came, and I don't think he'll be coming to school for a bit" I told him. 

He raised an eyebrow, "Why was he at the hospital?" He asked. 

I lowered my head, "His mother committed suicide this morning, and she didn't make it" Nya told him. 


And for the rest of the day we sat in silence. 

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