Family Troubles

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Jay's POV

I could tell the disappointed faces of the siblings that the question was a bit hard to talk about, but for some reason one of them spoke. 

"We don't have parents" Kai responded as he tensed up in the couch with his arm around his sister's shoulders.

 I raised one of my eyebrows, "You don't have parents? Everyone has parents" I told them. 

Nya sighed, "We used to have parents, but the died in a plane crash when Kai and I were younger" She informed me. 

"How old were you?" I asked. 

"I was about five and Nya was barley three at the time. We went through foster care for a couple years until Nya was about six or seven and then we came to the orphanage six years later" Kai informed me. The bigger question was what were they doing in the six year gap? 

"So what were y'all doing during the six year gap?" I asked them. Both of the siblings looked at each other and bit their lip as if they were hiding something. 

"We stayed with our Grandmother for the six years, but she past away on my fifteenth birthday" The older brother responded. 

"Wait, but who adopted you two from the orphanage?" I asked once again and could pretty much tell Kai was getting flustered with them.

 "When you turn eighteen you could leave that Underworld. I thought Nya was able to come with, but it wasn't legal. So when the time came for me to leave, I had the documents and money to become Nya's Official Guardian" He told me. 

"And so both you got to leave the orphanage when Kai turned eighteen" I said getting a nod from Nya, "It wasn't that long ago either. Maybe about six to seven months ago" She informed. Just then something knocked and was coming from the door. Kai stood up from the couch and opened the framed door to revel the one and only Morro. 

"What are you doing here?" Kai growled. 

Morro snarled, "Not wanting to speak to you" he said as he looked over Kai's shoulder to see both me and Nya on the couch, "Nya, babe can I talk to you."

I looked over at the raven haired female and she simply nodded and walked over to her boyfriend, "Alone" He hissed giving the signal to me and Kai to leave. Nya grabbed ahold of Morro's hand and walked away from the living room to another separate room. Then once they closed the door all me and Kai could hear was yelling. 

My face went from calm to concerned as the yelling became louder and louder. I could've sworn I lost my hearing once or twice. I looked over at Kai to see him in the small little kitchen burring his face in his hands. I walked over to him and patted his back, "Do they always yell like this?" I asked him. 

He nodded as he looked back at me, "This isn't even their worst fight they've had. They fight all the time, I keep trying to tell Nya to just break up with him for what feels like years, but her excuse has always been 'We've got it under control'." The protective teen said as he stared back at the door Nya closed. We just stood there in silence as we tried to ignore the loud voices of Morro and Nya. The voices gotten quieter and soon enough Morro stormed out off her room and exited the apartment sticking out his middle finger to Kai and I. 

Kai walked over to Nya's door and knocked on it, but she didn't open it back. He stayed there for a couple minutes before giving up, "I'm going to take a shower and then I have to go down to the station. I have to take the night shift tonight for my boss, okay Nya?" He said and once again their was not even a single peep. I could hear Kai sigh and walked away to the bathroom down the hall. 

What a night I thought. Everything was silent. Kai left and I was alone and Nya was locking herself in her room. I didn't like being alone. Did Nya not like being alone?

I walked over to her door and knocked. No reply. I knocked again. No reply. What was I doing I barley know her, I just met her a couple months ago when I transferred. But of course I had to run my mouth.

"Nya? It's Jay. May I come in please?" I asked in a soft voice.

 At first there was only silence then I heard a little tick and the door opened, "Come in" A soft voice spoke. I entered the room to see Nya sitting on the side of her bed curled up in a long gray hoodie which I assumed is Morro's. Her face looks so sad and mad at the same time. I could never imagine seeing this strong women having these emotions. 

"Is it okay if I sit with you?" I asked. She nodded and I took a seat at the edge of her bedside. We just sat their in a few minutes of silence, but I noticed something red on the sleeve of her hoodie. I scooted closer to Nya to get a better look and the red was spreading. Nya turned to look at me and she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Jay it's nothing" She told me as I took her arm and pulled up the sleeve. There was thin cuts on her arm reading 'Morro's Possession' as it bled all over her arm. I looked over at her bathroom that was connected to her room, I picked up the small female in my arms  and sprinted to there. I placed Nya down on the counter near the sinks while I looked in the cabinets to find some ointment and bandages. 

Once I found them I washed my hands and put a little amount of pressure on Nya's bleeding arm with a dry rag. Then I rinsed the blood off the pale arm and rubbed some ointment along the cuts on it. Nya winced in pain as I rubbed the ointment into the cut, "Sorry" I apologized to her. I finally wrapped a clean bandage on her arm to secure the wound.  I picked her back up and placed her back on the bed covering her with her sheets. 

"Did he do that to you?" I asked with both concern and anger. Nya bit her lip before nodding her head. 

I sighed, "You need to report this Nya. This is becoming toxic for you. Heck you may not know what else he could do to you or other girls" I told her. Nya didn't respond to me, I understood, but I didn't want her to get hurt. I can't even bare it. 

I was about to leave, but a soft angle voice asked or more like begged, "Wait. Could you stay with me a little longer Jay? Please."

 I turned to look back at her, "Usually Kai stays with me when something like this happens after a fight with Morro" She told me. I came back and sat next to her, she scooted over a little to give me some room to lay on. Nya turned to face me still covered in her bedsheets and my blue electric eyes met with her ocean blue ones.

 She leaned over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek, "Thank you" she said, "For everything." 

And then both of us fell into a sweet night dream.

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