The Start of Some Trouble

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Jay's POV

I got a concussion! Of course I get a concussion from Morro the bully! I was lucky enough to not get detention for this crap! It was already Thursday and I'm still trying to convince my parents to let me go to Lloyd's party.

Apparently since Morro is attending the party I can't go because my parents are afraid he might hurt ne again. And I told them that I was only protecting my friend! And as I'm thinking of all this I'm still yelling at my parents.

"Mom, dad, I can handle myself. There will be a lot of people at the party it's not like it's just me and Morro" I explained.

 My father sighed as he gave me a worried look, "We know son, but you already have a concussion-" I interrupted him, "Dad, it was only a headache I haven't gotten one since that day. I'm fine."

"And we understand that, but we know you're not fine. Everyday you come home either you or your friends get into a fight" My mother told me as I felt rage going through me veins. 

"Not all my friends are like that!" I yelled.

"Really than who is a good example for you, Jay?" Mom asked annoyed. 

"Nya" I said with not even a stutter, "She's been in every single fight I've had and you was the one who saved my life when Morro was beating me up!"

 I looked over at my dad's face and he has mixed emotions, "A girl saved you? You allowed a girl you've slept with saved you!" He yelled making my mother jump a little. 

"Ed, don't be-" Mom was about to say, but dad interfered, "No Edna, we have allowed our son to go off on his own in a new place where it's unsafe. You've been in three fights since we got here a coupe months ago, and lost your virginity-" 

"DAD! ME AND NYA NEVER DID ANYTHING THAT NIGHT! JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING ON INSTAGRAM DOES NOT MEAN IT'S TRUE!  YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME! AND YOU NEVER WILL!!!" I screamed at them as I left the junkyard. I could here my parents yelling my name to come back home, but I didn't turn around. I ran about a mile or two until I arrived at the front doors of Lloyd's house. 

Cars were parked outside of the humongous house as people were still entering. The doors were wide opened where I could see basically an assembly of people inside just the first room. Loud music can be heard and multicolored lights could be seen through out the house. I walked through the doors and was imedeantly greeted by the birthday boy.

"Jay, you came!" Lloyd exclaimed as he patted my back. 

I smiled at him, "Yeah, and so far I'm very happy I did. I mean look at this place! It's beautiful! Is the others here yet?" I asked. 

He nodded, "Yep, but I will warn you that Morro found a load ton of beer and lets just say that Kai got a hold of it" He laughed a little. We walked in the kitchen/living room area of the house to see people dancing like crazy and most probably drunk. 

I looked over at the bar table though to see a girl with long raven hair tied back in a high ponytail, a marron long sleeve loose ruffle blouse, and black distressed jeans. I recognized her from anywhere. "I'll talk to you in a bit, Lloyd" I told him as I took a seat next to the girl I loved to death.

"Nya, I didn't think you would be here tonight" I told her as she smiled. 

"Let's just say I wasn't suppose to be. Skylor had to sneak me out of my window to get here. Kai hasn't seen me yet and he's drunk so that's a bit better" She told me. I chuckled a little as I saw the Skylor girl and Kai 'dirty dancing' on the dance floor.

"I'm going to take a guess that you haven't taken anything?" I assumed. 

She shook her head, "I'm not the drinking type. Along with I'm not 18, so I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. But everyone else here has gotten at least a sip of beer or wine" She explained. 

"Have Morro came to you yet or noticed you?" I asked.

 I looked into her eyes as she sighed, "He knows I'm here and he's probably the most drunk person here. He tried to flirt earlier, but it didn't work. Both drunk and normal he still acts the same way."

I had an idea come to my head, I got out of my seat and held out a hand to Nya. She looked at me confused, but took my hand in acceptation. I lead her to the living room where everyone was dancing and a nice calm song came on. I stopped in a spot where no one was really dancing, I wrapped her arms around my neck and placed my hands on her waist with permission of course. 

We danced along with the music as Nya layed her head on my chest as I held her closer too me. I looked down at her as she looked up at me. I saw her ocean blue eyes sparkle as my eyes met with hers. We leaned in closer together as our lips met with each other. It felt like I was getting fueled up with energy. Yes it was my first kiss, but my FSM it was fantastic. 

We broke apart for air and I felt a blush go across my cheeks, "You're a good kisser you know?" Nya told me as she smiled. 

I smiled back at her, "You're not to bad yourself, Cherry Blossom" I teased her. 

Her smiled turned into a smirk, "Are we going into nicknames now, Walker?" She teased back at me.

"Maybe" I giggled a little as I gave her a peck on the lips. 

"Then I guess you're my BlueJay" She told me as the music turned back into the hiphop songs. Minutes turned into hours as I made my way over to my group of friends as Nya went back to the bar for some water.

Kai was as drunk as ever. He was practically twerking everywhere, especially Skylor. Cole was drunk as well, but he was yelling out drunk lyrics from sex songs that he adored. Zane didn't drink anything as well, but he was high on something, I could tell be the way he was acting. Either that or he had a bit too much coke. Lloyd was also drunk as he danced and drank wine from the bottle at the same time. 

Morro was the worst though. He was cussing his heart out as if no one was even in the room, but we all knew he was going to have a blast. Soon enough it was midnight and Lloyd and Morro officially turn 18. Everyone was up the wall, side to side, and upside down. This is going to be talked about everywhere on Monday. I looked around to see if I could find Nya, but I didn't see her. I looked for Morro too, but he wasn't there either.

Then all of a sudden we heard sirens. Police sirens. Red and blue lights were seen through out the house. A Police Officer came in the house and yelled, "Party is shut down! You are in violation of city law! Everyone out of this house now!" He yelled. 

Everyone including me exited the house. The officers searched a lot of people to find drugs in their pockets. No wonder everyone was so hyped up. Once everyone was checked they told us to go home and get some rest. We did as we were told, but I knew I couldn't go back to my house, so I improvised. Skylor was taking Kai to her place, Zane was with Lloyd talking to the police, so I was obviously going to take Cole home. 

I found his car and got out his keys from his pocket and opened the car. He hopped in the backseat and I drove him home. Yes I have my license to drive, but I don't have a car. The radio was on and Cole sung the lyrics. It was all soft rock.

Once I made it to his house, I opened his front door and brought him to his room. Once Cole got on the bed he went to sleep. "He's a heavy sleeper you know" a voice said. I turned around to see a women was curly black hair with green eyes almost identical to Cole's. 

"Sorry if I scared you. I'm Roni, Cole's Mom" She introduced as I shook my hand in hers, "Jay Walker, Cole's friend" I told her. As I looked closer to her features I could see bags under her eyes as if she never slept and was very skinny. "Thank you for bringing my son home. I didn't expect him to be at that party too long" She told me.

"No problem Mrs. Brookstone. But I do want to ask if it's alright if I can stay here for the night. I don't have a car and I'm afraid that if I walk home at this time of night I will lose my way home" I asked of her. 

She smiled at me, "We have a guest bedroom across the hall. You can stay there for the night and travel home tomorrow. I wouldn't want you to travel with all these drunk teens" She laughed as she lead me to the guest bedroom. 

She left me alone as I climbed into the bed. Tonight was great. I did something on my own. I got my first kiss, and maybe girlfriend. But even better was that I had the time of my life. 

Well the may be an exaggeration.  

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