Teacher's Pet

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Jay's POV

Oh. My. FSM.

Right in front of us is a white Range Rover, with two people that I am fairly familiar with in the front seat. 

Zane and Ms.Borg.

Zane was slightly leaned over the compartment trying to reach over to the person in the passenger seat. A blush creeping over his cheeks while the women next to him stared at us wide eyed. My friend gave a out a weak smile and got out of his vehicle, heading his way towards Nya and I. 

"Why hello my friends, what brings you the pleasure to be out here this afternoon?", Zane greets us. Well I already have my pleasure next to me thank you very much-

"Well I was just here to give Jay some pointers on how to excel on an interview. Now I could say the same about you, what are you and Ms.Borg doing out here?" Nya asked kindly. I swear this girl just knows how to cover up something with a click of her heels. 

The young teen blushed, "We just had a tutoring session an hour ago. She needed a ride over here the to automobile shop to pick up her car, so I humbly accepted.", He smiled.

"Yeah, 'humbly'.", I joked before Nya jammed her elbow into my ribs, "To soon?"

"Anything else you want to tell us?" She asked with a little flutter in her lashes. God she's so cute-

He shook his head, "Not to my information, just a new student that's all. Apparently the Mayor's daughter is transferring to our high school, Pixal is giving her a tour of the campus tomorrow and is having some conference meetings as well with-"

"Sounds like a lot of teacher stuff that students don't have to worry about.", I said trying not to hear the rest of the teachers routine of the day, "Sounds like you had more than just a tutoring session though-"

"- Um well it was nice talking to you Zane! Jay and I have some more things to do and you have yours so we'll talk to you later if that's ok!" Nya interrupted, probably so I wouldn't say anything too out of line from my guess. 

Zane smiled, "It was nice talking to you too. Have a good day.", With that he walked back into his car and continued on with his day leaving Nya and I wondering so many things. 

Nya turned over to me and her hand smacked my upside the head, "OUCH! N-Nya! What was that for?!?" 

"More than a tutoring session! Are you kidding me! Zane is one of the purest people we have ever met and you say that! And about a teacher!" She exclaimed, getting a little red in the cheeks. 

I smirked a little, "I think the fact that you got all of that from interrupting me is quite something of a dirty mind." 

She glared at me, giving me a slight punch in the shoulder playfully, "Still. Even though I'm a bit curious myself, next time try not to be so vocal about that."

"But he kept saying it was classified and it drove me insane-"

"Classified? Oh then that's different.", she looked over my shoulder to the direction Zane's car went, "I'll keep my eyes on them, especially Pix- I mean Ms.Borg. Something just doesn't sound right." 

I rolled my eyes and pulled her into a hug and whispered, "You want me to drive you home since your shift is over. And that your brother doesn't murder us." 

She nodded and head and held my hand as I led her to my car. I was about to open the door for her until we heard some police sirens. Right behind us...

I held my breath as I turned my head to see a police car parked behind us with Kai giving us some serious glares from the driver seat. I stand corrected, we are going to get murdered. 

Kai got out of his car and ran over to us in his police uniform. I'm screwed. 

"H-Hi Kai." Nya greeted nervously tugging my head behind her back so he wouldn't see anything. 

His scarred eyebrow rose up, "And what exactly are you two doing? Alone? And about to get into Jay's car?", his attention came over to me and my face completely paled. His stare is a literal dad stare and it completely terrifies me all the way to my soon to be gravestone. 

"W-We or I mean I-I was going to drive Nya home to your apartment before her curfew. You know so she won't get into any trouble." I told him with a stutter heavily impacted in my voice, not even going to try and hide it. 

 The policemen shook his head and laughed, "Yeah, that won't be necessary. Nya lets go we have to go to the station. Can't go to the apartment during the investigation for a while. Nice seeing you though Jay.", Kai announced, grabbing a hold of Nya's wrist and dragging over to the cop car. 

Before getting in, Nya gave a me a small smile and then entering the vehicle. They drove off leaving me alone in the parking lot. I soon drove home and went into the trailer to see my parents sitting at the kitchen table. I sighed, and sat next to them both as they gave me a disappointed look.

"Jay, honey, we got a call from the police department today." Mom confessed with a little concern on her face. I could only guess that it was about the trail against Morro and that we wear having to go to the hearing.

I looked at my ma straight in the eyes and then she smiled, "They want to offer you an internship!" 

My eyes widen, "Really?!?" I almost forgotten that I had applied for that internship months ago once we came here, but I though they rejected me application after awhile. 

My pa nodded his head equally excited as me, "Apparently they said your friend Kai had recommended you after your rebellious stage at school  and they looked at your application form and decided to let you work on his squadron!" 

I went over to my parents and gave them a hug, "And your going to be able to get paid too!" Ma exclaimed. 

"Well I have some news too. I had gotten a job at the autobody shop downtown. I can always arrange that to make it flexible for our schedule, thanks to Nya I was able to get the job-" 

"Nya?" Ma questioned. 

I almost forgotten about what happened between us that night. I sighed, "Ma, Pa, I know you don't want me to hang out with Nya, but she means the world to me. I don't know exactly what we are just yet, but I like her, I really really like her." I confessed to them.

They both gave each other a look before looking back at me with their eyes on mine, "We've actually have been talking about that when you were gone. We would actually want to meet Nya and her brother. Since you will be on his squad anyway, next time you get the chance we would like you to invite them to dinner over the next weekend. Besides you keep kissing your pillow and night and I'm tired of washing it everyday." Ma told me.

I grinned, "Thank you Ma! Thank you Pa!" I thanked them. They look generally happy for me and excited. It's been so long since I've seen them like that. It feels nice . 

Really nice.

Sorry about that wait y'all. I've literally didn't know exactly how I was going to write this chapter with the Zane and Pixal subplot. This was going to be a lot more weird than it turned out to be so I'm happy I found a little curve. Hopefully I'll be able to update this more since it's getting near the summer and under the current situation. I hope y'all are safe and healthy during this time. Love y'all and see you next chapter!

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