The Office

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Jay's POV

Wow this hallway is long. As Nya escorted me to the Principles Office, I could hear the background noises from what I could tell the football players. From my knowledge, it's only Morro, Nya, and I going to the office since we were the main speakers I guess. 

Luckily for us, Morro is going to be in a separate room then us for many different reasons. We suddenly stopped in front of a door that was labeled 'Garmadon'. I knew Lloyd's father was a teacher, but the Principle? I always thought it was his Uncle. Who would've guessed.

I felt a reassuring squeeze on my hand as Nya gave me a sympathetic smile. She then lets go of my hand and knocks on the door three times. There was then a calm, but serious voice, "Come in Smith and Walker."

I took a big gulp as the door flung open the only reveal a dark purple desk, and a man with gray hair, a black and violet suit, and almost red looking eyes . In front of the desk was two white chairs which were the only things in the room that didn't match the color scheme.

Nya and I took a seat in his office as the door closed behind us. "So I heard you two were in a fight. With your friends against Morro and his football players. What do you two have to say for yourselves?" Garmadon asked us. 

"It was self defense, sir" I told him as he gave me a glare. I saw his thin eyebrow make a crease line on his forehead. "And who may I ask started the fight in my school hallway?" He asked.

"Morro did, Principle Garmadon" Nya jumped in as Garmadon's attention turned to her, "He shoved Jay first, and then ordered his players to attack our friends." I could tell from the look of Nya's eyes that she didn't want to be here. I didn't want her to be here where people hear about what happened with Morro and her. She shouldn't have to be here.

"You still caused physical harm to a student, my son, if I should say" The principle told us as he gave his attention to both of us, "both of you two did." I lowered my head down as he was lecturing us about our actions and all that, but what caught me by surprise was the consequences.

"Jay Walker, you are suspended from school for two days and I calling your parents about your whereabouts. I've been getting calls about you being missing from their home" Garmadon told me. If I'm being honest, I pretty much expected those punishments. 

"Nya Smith, you are also suspended for two days. You are also kicked off the Cheer leading team. If you would please hand me your jacket?" He said. I looked at Nya to see the same understanding look, but I wasn't letting this happen. Just as she was about the open up her backpack, I spoke up.

"Um sir, I don't think you understand of what are situation is right now" I told him as he gave me a flustered appearance. "What do you mean, Mr. Walker?" He asked me.

"First off, your son Morro has physically assaulted, drugged, and raped Nya. He is suppose to be on house arrest and have a restraining order at least ten feet away from Kai, Nya, and I, but you let him on school grounds. That's just sick" I explained to him as he was completely caught off guard, "Your son was also overaged when he raped Nya, and was under the influence as well. He also broke into their home four days later which we had to hospitalize Kai because of his injuries that YOUR son caused! You are keeping a criminal in your school on your orders. If that was anyone else you would have expelled them."

Garmadon sat there in silence as I finished my rant. Nya stared at me with shock as I soon realized I was standing up and out of my chair. Oh I'm so getting a beating when my parents find out where I'm at. 

"Ms. Smith, you may be excused and go home with your guardian. As for you Mr. Walker you are staying here until your parents arrive" Garmadon told us. I glanced at Nya as she simply nodded, grabbed her stuff and walks out of the room. For me though, is a different story.

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