Chapter 2: The Initiation

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 2 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"It's the day of the initiation and (Y/N) is getting up and he sees Blake and Melissa still asleep, he smiles and then everyone is getting ready and (Y/N) holsters his gun and then he looks at Melissa and he picks her up and then he thought the he couldn't take her and he didn't know what to do, until he felt a tap on his shoulder to see Prof. Goodwitch.............
(Y/N): "Oh, Prof. Goodwitch right? *she nods* What can I help you with?"
Goodwitch: "Prof. Ozpin has assigned me to watch over your daughter after you and Miss Belladonna's initiation."
(Y/N): "Oh, okay. *looks at Melissa* Now, you be a good girl for Prof. Goodwitch okay?"
.............she smiles and he gives her to Prof. Goodwitch and she smiles, then he walks off and he takes a final look and Melissa waves at him and he waves back, then he makes it to the cliff and he then he hears what Ozpin says and then everyone gets launched into the forest, but then (Y/N) doesn't...............
Ozpin: "Mister (L/N), I just wanted you to know. If you don't manage to find a partner. I have something in mind for you."
............he nods, then he gets launched in the forest and as he goes in the forest he then parkour his way down and then he walks through the forest and he makes his way to the ruins and then as he does he hears trees snapping and branches breaking, then he turns slowly and he sees Grimm coming at him and then he shoots at them and they died quickly, then he continues walking through the forest as he makes is to the temple, he sees everyone there and he also sees his wife Blake, he smiles then he sees a red haired girl running out the forest followed by a DeathStalker..............
(Y/N): "This is gonna be a problem."
.............then he looks up to see a Nevermore and then he sees Weiss falling from the sky and he sees a guy catch her and they fall as he falls on the ground first and she lands on him as (Y/N) winces at that.............
(Y/N): "Damn. That's gotta hurt."
.............then he sees the girl Ruby run in and try to fight the Deathstalker, but she gets knocked down and his eyes widen and he teleports in front of the Deathstalker, then as it goes for an attack, he grabs Ruby and he teleports her next to everyone.............
Weiss: "What? How'd you do that?"
(Y/N): "Semblance. But, that's not all it does."

3rd P.O.V

............he converts his weapons to sword mode and he rushes at the Deathstalker and he summons clones as they rush at it fighting the Grimm as everyone is amazed except for Blake as she is admiring her husband's courage, but then the clones disappeared after getting hit and (Y/N) slides with his blade sticking up and he cuts the DeathStalker under it and it roars in pain, then he jumps over it where he summons aura arrows and as he lands on the ground he does a motion where the arrows rained down on the Deathstalker and it does completely as everyone is amazed.............
Yang: "That. Was.............."
Ruby: "AWESOME!"
Weiss: "Your boyfriend is an excellent fighter."
Blake: "I know."
............then everyone returned to Beacon and (Y/N) looks as Blake is now in a team with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang this is known as Team RWBY. Then (Y/N) is walking towards Ozpin's office and he goes up the elevator and he stands there in front of his desk............
Ozpin: "Ah, Mister (L/N). I see you made it."
(Y/N): "Yes sir, and yeah I couldn't find a partner or a team."
Ozpin: "No worries, you have great talent. And like I said, I had something in mind for you; I know your relationship between you and miss Belladonna, or............."
(Y/N): "Just don't bring up our marriage, we decided to keep it a secret."
Ozpin: "Right and starting today you will be apart of Team RWBY."
(Y/N): "Alright. Where's Melissa?"
Ozpin: "Prof. Goodwitch should be here any minute with her. We couldn't separate a mother and father on two different teams, so I thought of this."
(Y/N): "Thanks you Prof. Ozpin."
............he hears the elevator and he sees Prof. Goodwitch walk in and she gives Melissa to him and (Y/N) holds her as she coos and hugs her father and he smiles, then he heads to Team RWBY's dorm. He knocks on the door and surprisingly Blake answers..............
Blake: "Oh (Y/N). *looks at Melissa and she smiles* Hey Melissa."
.............(Y/N) hands her to Blake and she holds her as she giggles seeing her mom................
Blake: "So, what're you doing here?"
(Y/N): "Ozpin decided to let me be a member of your team and here I am."
Blake: "Oh, okay. I guess I'd have to break it to them then."
.............they walk in and they see Ruby, Weiss, and Yang sitting on beds and they look at them as Ruby sees Melissa as she smiles and goes to her.............
Ruby: "Hi Melissa."
Yang: "Hey (Y/N), what're you doing here?"
(Y/N): "Well, Ozpin decided to let me be a member of your team and also it would mean for me and Blake to stay with Melissa so she wouldn't be sad."
Weiss: "Well, I wouldn't agree, but a child can't be separated from a mother and father, so I have no problem with it."
............Ruby tickles Melissa and she giggles as (Y/N) and Blake smiles. Then Ruby started playing with Melissa and Yang does as well and Melissa claps and giggles. Then (Y/N) returns with a crib that was bought and he builds it, then it gets night and he places the crib next to the bed Blake sleeps and he places a sleeping Melissa in it and he gets in bed with Blake and they drift to sleep and (Y/N) kisses Blake's forehead and she smiles as she hugs him and they sleep."

To be continued.............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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