Chapter 5: The Big Secret Revealed

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 5 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter as if what happened in the previous chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Blake P.O.V

Blake: "Okay Yang. Your speculation is correct, me and (Y/N) aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We're...............husband and wife."
"Yang just found out that her relationship with (Y/N) is past boyfriend and girlfriend, Blake looks at Yang's face as she is freaked out to the fact of her and (Y/N) as husband and wife, the rest of Team RWBY came in and also (Y/N) as he sits next to Blake and Melissa is on her lap as she is playing with toy keys.....................
Weiss: "So, wait. All this time you two are husband and wife?"
(Y/N): *nods* "Yeah."
Yang: "But, what made you two decide to get married at a seventeen years old?"
Blake: "When Melissa was born."
(Y/N): "It's was months ago and when she gave birth to Melissa I decided to take responsibility and help her raise Melissa, so we got married after that."
Weiss: "Well, that was a wise choice. Usually no guy would do what you decided to do, and I'm happy for the both of you."
Ruby: "And don't worry, we'll keep quiet about you two being husband and wife."
Blake: "Thank you."
...................then she hears cooing and Melissa is reaching for Blake and she smiles as Melissa giggles and (Y/N) rubs her head and she giggles more. Then Blake is sitting on her bed reading a book as she looks to see Melissa playing with Ruby and she smiles as Ruby is like an aunt to Melissa as of the rest of her teammates.................

(Y/N) P.O.V
Timeskip-Next Day

...................(Y/N) is walking back from the store with some stuff for Melissa, she was low on the supplies and he bought more so it couldn't run out, then as he is walking he hears scratching in a box and he looks as he gets confused, he places the bags down and he opens the box to see to his surprise is three kittens inside a box. He gets surprised seeing a kitten alone and one of the kittens  crawls up the box as it meows and he smiles and picks it up, he pets it and it purrs at him petting it and he sees the others wanting the same attention and he decided to take the kittens with him and he grabs the bags and walks back to Beacon and he returns to the dorm and he sees Weiss fixing Melissa's hair in little pigtails and they look at him...................
Weiss: "Oh, hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hey Weiss, I see you're hanging out with Melissa."
Weiss: "Yeah. I thought I decided to spend some time with her. *notices the kitten* Where did you find those kittens?"
(Y/N): "I found them alone in a box, so, I decided to bring them here. Is that a problem?"
Weiss: "No. No, it's okay."
...................Melissa crawls to (Y/N) and he bends down to her and the kittens jumped down and they gathered around her as she giggles at the kittens around her and she hugs one, then (Y/N) has a laser dot and he lets the kittens chase it and Melissa giggles at them chasing the dot and she claps. Then it gets night time and Melissa gets placed in the crib and (Y/N) brings out a teddy bear he got for Melissa and she hugs it as she goes to sleep, then (Y/N) and Blake gets in the bed and one of the kittens snuggles with them and he sees Blake smiling..................
(Y/N): "So, I guess we probably can't keep the secret anymore from our friends."
Blake: "Yeah. We'll have to tell Team JNPR and CFVY."
(Y/N): "Yeah. And don't worry, nobody else will know."
...................Blake smiles and then they fell asleep as they hugged each other as they drifted to sleep."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Till the End: Wife Blake Belladonna x Husband Cat Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now