Chapter 25: Fight at the Belladonna Home

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 25 of this story, and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After trying to get the Faunus to help them take back the White Fang and with them not wanting to help, (Y/N) is starting to think him and Blake are gonna have to stop Adam and save Haven Academy on their own. He didn't know what to do since no one would help, he is now walking the streets of Menagerie trying to think of a way to get someone to join; he heard a thud behind him as he turns around to see Ilia behind him as he equips his weapon......................
(Y/N): "What the hell are you doing here? You have some nerve appearing after what you said."
Ilia: "(Y/N) *raises her hand in defense* I'm sorry. *he looks at her confused* I overheard Fennec and Corbac, they said it was foolish for Adam to tell you he killed your father and I was stupid not to believe you, I'll- I'll help you stop Adam."
(Y/N): *looks away to think, looks at her* "Ilia, if you're lying. You will pay."
Ilia: "Blake's in trouble. *his eyes widen* And so is Melissa, he wants you and her family dead, her and Melissa brought to him. We need to find Blake."
(Y/N): "Get to the house and protect Melissa, Jade, and Jasper. I'm going after Blake."
Ilia: "Wait, who's Jade and Jasper?"
(Y/N): "Me and Blake's kids, *her eyes widen in amazement* they're twins. Protect them Ilia."
......................she nods, they ran in different directions, he hears struggling as he sees Blake tied in a spider web from a Faunus trying to take her somewhere. (Y/N) appears and shoots the web releasing Blake, the two Faunus looked at him as he knocked them both out making them fall on the ground unconscious. He quickly ran to Blake to help her up......................
Blake: "Thanks (Y/N). What's going on?"
(Y/N): "Adam sent them to kidnap you and Melissa, then kill me along with your family."
Blake: *eyes widen in shock* "What!?"
(Y/N): "We gotta get back home. Now!"
......................she nods as they run off after that, they ran as fast as they can back to Blake's home to protect their family....................

3rd P.O.V

......................Ghira is fighting Fennec and Corbac while their house is under attack by White Fang, some guards tried to protect them, but couldn't. (Y/N) and Blake appeared breaking through a window as they looked at them......................
Ghira: "(Y/N)! Blake!"
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Ghira: "Yeah. You need to find Kali and the kids."
(Y/N): "Blake, you do that. We got things here."
Blake: *nods* "Okay."
......................she runs off as (Y/N) activates his beast semblance with the same features showing in his regular......................
(Y/N) 'Beastly Voice': "You ready?"
Ghira: "Let's do this."
......................they get in fighting stance, Fennec and Corbac launched fireballs from the weapons they have which (Y/N) and Ghira dodges. (Y/N) attacks first with an attack that broke Fennec's weapon making his eyes widen in shock......................
Fennec: "Oh no."
(Y/N): "Gotcha."
......................he spin kicks him which causes him to get knocked out, Corbac is distracted with what happened and it causes Ghira to knock his weapon out his hand along with knocking him out. Blake runs through the house finding her mom and her kids, she goes through a door to see Ilia fighting off some soldiers as she electrocuted one of them and kicking one in the head knocking them out......................
Blake: "Ilia?"
Ilia: *looks at her* "Blake."
Blake: "What are you doing here?"
Ilia: "What I should've done acouple days ago. I'm sorry."
Blake: *nods* "Okay, I need to get to Melissa."
......................she jumps on the second floor as she bursts through the door to see Melissa crying in a corner as she's scared, Blake runs up to her and grabs her......................
Blake: "It's okay Melissa, mommy's here."
......................she calms down and Blake runs out the room, another Faunus is seen falling out a doorway with Kali behind him. She is holding Jade and surprisingly Maverick is seen holding Jasper as he walked behind her......................
Blake: "Maverick."
Maverick: "What's up?"
Ilia: "How'd you get?"
Maverick: "A day ago, I heard what you were doing so I decided to help. We'll talk later, we have to get outta here."
......................they run out as the house burns down, (Y/N) and Ghira along with White Fang Guards take the attacks out whisk they're tied up. Everyone else runs out as they breath hard from running, (Y/N) turns back to normal and he walks up to Blake as Melissa reaches for him and they hug. Kali gives them Jade as Maverick does the same with Jasper......................
(Y/N): "Maverick?"
Maverick: "Didn't want you doing this alone."
......................every Faunus in Menagerie arrives to see what's happening, (Y/N) gives Jasper to Kali as he walked up to them as he sighs......................
(Y/N): "Humans didn't cause this, they are not responsible for this attacks. The White Fang did it, and they will continue to do so if they are not stopped."
Blake: "He's right, we will look like bad guys if they destroy Haven. We are going to Haven to stop them, even if it's only us."
Ilia: "I'll go."
Maverick: "So will I."
......................they walk next to them as they nod, (Y/N) places his hand in Blake's shoulder as she smiles at him......................
Random Faunus 1: "I'll go too."
Random Faunus 2: "Me too."
......................every Faunus starts cheering as they agree to help, everyone is getting ready to fight Adam and the White Fang while (Y/N) and Blake are sitting with Melissa, Jade, and Jasper are with them while, they wait. Ilia walks up to them and (Y/N) notices her as he looks at Melissa......................
(Y/N): "Hey Melissa. *she looks at him* Look who's here."
......................she looks at Ilia, she smiles as she did making Ilia smile. Melissa reaches for her and she held her as they hugged, Ilia looks at Jade and Jasper as they do curiously and she adores them making them giggle. Everyone is now ready to fight Adam and protect Haven Academy as they head there now to stop them."

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Till the End: Wife Blake Belladonna x Husband Cat Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now