Chapter 3: Confronting Weiss! Always there

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 3 of this story and if you read the title of this chapter the you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After a month of (Y/N) and Blake in Beacon everything is going okay, but then there was that robbery by the White Fang and also a monkey Faunus that got away. But, also with Weiss saying stuff about the Faunuses and offending (Y/N), he decided to find that monkey Faunus that got away and he couldn't find him, he decided to return to the dorm and as he did he hears a commotion behind the door and he approached the door...............
Blake: "Well maybe we are tired of being pushed around."
.............(Y/N) eyes widen and then Blake bursts out the door and runs..............
Ruby: "Blake, wait! Come back."
Weiss: "I knew it."
..............he hears Melissa crying and his anger went to rage as he walks in and he approached Weiss and grabbed her jacket and lifted her off the ground and to the wall...............
(Y/N): "What did you say to her?"
Weiss: "Let me go!"
(Y/N): "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?"
Ruby: "(Y/N), stop."
(Y/N): *looks at Ruby* "Back up Ruby! *looks at Weiss* WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?"
Weiss: "Faunuses are liars, thieves, and murders, that's why the White Fang are all like that."
(Y/N): "All Faunuses are not like that, you despise us cause you believe anything that you see instead of just understanding knowing it. You're a selfish bitch."
Weiss: "Don't you talk me down 'Faunus'?"
(Y/N): *gets in rage* "What?"
Weiss: "You and Blake arrived at the same time and also have a child, and what she said I also realized, you're a Faunus too. Which means if she's in the White Fang; so are you."
.............he throws her on the bed and she lands in the other side and (Y/N) goes to Melissa as she cries, the he picks her up and she calms down and he walks out...............
Weiss: "I don't care what you or Blake says, you are one of them and................"
(Y/N): "WE LEFT the White Fang you retarded bitch."
...............then her eyes widen and so does Ruby and Yang's...............
Weiss: "What?"
(Y/N): "You heard me, we left the White Fang. I knew they were changing and I didn't want Melissa to grow up doing what they are doing, you think we're bad? What about your family? How many family businesses did you bastard father shut down?"
Weiss: "No wait........if you listen............"
(Y/N): "How many businesses did your father take away leaving people without a way to help their families and themselves? Your family is the problem. You're a bunch of heartless, money wanting, power hungry, selfish, ASSHOLES. All you care about is yourselves. And you didn't have to come here if you were being such a bitch."
...............he sees tears go down her face and he walks out with Melissa to find Blake, he walks out of Beacon and he sees Blake standing in front of the statue with her bow off and he walks up to her...............
(Y/N): "Blake!"
...............she looks and she runs up to him and hugs him and Melissa, then they stopped hugging and they looked at each other...............
Blake: "I'm sorry (Y/N). I never wanted this to happen and with Weiss I don't know................"
(Y/N): "Don't worry about it, she doesn't matter. What matters is the three of us being together."
...............Blake smiles, then Melissa reaches for her and she takes her then hugs her, then (Y/N) took off his beanie to show his ears and Blake smiles as they kissed.............
????: "I think you shouldn't have those on."
...............they look and get in defense stance as they see the monkey Faunus from before...............
(Y/N): "Who're you?"
Sun: "Names Sun Wukong."
(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N), this is Blake and this is Melissa."
Sun: "Woah. You two her parents?"
Blake: "Yeah."
Sun: "Okay."

3rd P.O.V

...............after (Y/N) and Blake met Sun, they've never returned to Beacon and they stayed in a hotel for 4 days and Ruby, Yang, and surprisingly Weiss is looking for them..............
Ruby: "BLAKE! Where are you?"
Yang: "(Y/N)!"
...............Weiss has been thinking about what he said and she also was being close to Melissa herself like she was an aunt to her, but now she thinks (Y/N) won't let her near Melissa now................
Ruby: "Weiss, you're not helping."
Weiss: "I know who might help. The police."
Ruby: "Ugh, Weiss."
Yang: "You really want (Y/N) to hate you more right?"
Weiss: "What makes you think he hates me?"
Yang: "Cause of the things you said and also offending him and Blake, also Melissa."
..............she realized and she knew her mistake as she felt bad and she actually wanted to know the truth about what he said, then at the docks (Y/N), Blake, and Sun watch as White Fang soldiers are moving boxes and crates..............
(Y/N): "So, this is what the White Fang have been at storing the stolen dust."
Blake: "I still don't understand why they are stealing this much dust?"
Sun: "We might soon find out. Wait, don't you have a child alone?"
Blake: "Don't worry. (Y/N)'s semblance can create clones."
Sun: "Ah, okay I get it."
.............they keep looking and (Y/N) looks up and he sees some lights in another warehouse..............
(Y/N): "There's something going on in that warehouse. I'll check it out."
Blake: "Be careful (Y/N)."

(Y/N) P.O.V

.............(Y/N) sneaks towards the warehouse and he hides behind crates and he sneaks through an open window. He sneaks behind some more crates, then he sees a lot of more than just dust. He sees plans for some stuff and also some dust bombs as well as rockets, he takes his scroll out as he takes a picture of the schematics. Then he hears gunshots and he turns his head in the direction and he runs out to see Sun fighting the soldiers and he jumps over them to help him as he checks on Blake..............
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Blake: "Yeah."
White Fang soldier 1: "Look, it's the traitors."
White Fang soldier 2: "Get them."
..............(Y/N) gets in fighting stance and he fights the soldiers and he kicks one back as he launches, then he knees one in the gut as he blocks weapon attacks from others and he spins kicks one of em and then he does a butterfly kick hitting three soldiers as they get knocked down, then some soldiers shoot at him and he ducks as he summons aura arrows and launched them at them hitting them and some went past them hitting the supplies making them explode. Then he sees a Bullhead with Roman and he points his gun at the Bullhead and he shoots at it. Then he sees everyone else and he holsters his pistols and he teleports to the hotel room and he sees his clone standing there as Melissa sleeps, the clone disappears and he wraps Melissa in her blanket and he teleports back as he sees Weiss walking up to Blake, he stands next to her as he looked at her angry.................
Blake: "Weiss, I want you to know that me and (Y/N), no longer associate with the White Fang. Back when we were with the............"
Weiss: "Stop! Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you two? Twelve hours. That means I had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours I've decided............"
.................(Y/N) looks at her angry and he gets surprised when................
Weiss: "I don't care."
Blake: *looks at her surprised* You don't care?"
Weiss: "You both said you're not with them anymore, right?"
Blake: "No, w-we haven't been since we were younger............."
Weiss: "Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that something this big comes both will come to your teammates. And not some........... *looks at Sun* Someone else."
Blake: *smiles, as she cries* "Of course."
(Y/N): "If she's okay with it, then alright."
Ruby: "Yay, Team RWBY are back together."
..............(Y/N) smiles and he looks at Melissa who is asleep and back at the dorm she is awake and (Y/N) is playing with her as she is being tickled and she giggles as he has his beanie off and Melissa has the bow off, then the door opens and he sees Team RWBY walk in as he gets alarmed..............
Blake: "It's okay (Y/N)."
..............he sits back down and he looks to see Melissa crawling on his lap and he picks her up and she sits on his lap and he sees Weiss walking up to him...............
Weiss: "(Y/N), I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all that and I realized I was wrong and I'm sorry if I offended you."
..............he looks at her and he saw she was telling the truth, he looks at Blake, then he looks down at Melissa as she coos and he smiles, then looks at Weiss.................
(Y/N): "I forgive you. And I'm sorry for the things I said."
Weiss: "Apology accepted."
................she sits next to him, then (Y/N) gives Melissa to her and Weiss holds her as she had her in her lap, Melissa hugs her and Weiss hugs back and (Y/N) smiles at there everything is back to normal now."

To be continued................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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