Chapter 11: Blake's Investigation Problem! A Story Untold

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 11 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After the mission and fighting Roman, (Y/N) and Team RWBY returned to Beacon as (Y/N) couldn't believe that he lost control and fought a mech on his own as he was like an animal gone berserk. Now he is at Beacon as he has Melissa sitting on his lap and he is talking with Pyrrha and Nora as he told them about him being married to Blake...................
Pyrrha: "So, wait. You and Blake are husband and wife this entire time?"
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Pyrrha: "And the reason why you married her at a young age cause Melissa was born?"
(Y/N): "I had to take responsibility, so I had to do what I had to do."
Pyrrha: "Well, I believe you done a great thing. Men would probably never do the same thing you did."
..................(Y/N) smiles, but he looks to see Nora adoring Melissa as she giggles at Nora being funny and adoring her, but he suddenly got a feeling that something wrong is happening. Then (Y/N) is walking back to the dorm as he held a sleeping Melissa and as he does he bumps into Blake and what he noticed that she looked like she hasn't had any sleep...................
(Y/N): "Blake?"
Blake: "Oh, hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Are you okay? You like you haven't..............."
Blake: "I can't talk right now (Y/N), I have things to do."
...................she walks off as (Y/N) gets confused, then he walks back as he sees Yang sitting on Blake's bed....................
(Y/N): "Yang, what's the matter? What's wrong with Blake?"
Yang: "Ever since that mission we did, she's been trying to find out more about what the White Fang has been up to and she never got any rest during that. She doesn't listen to me, Ruby, and Weiss. I don't know if she'll listen to you."
(Y/N): "Ever since...............Why did we do that mission anyway?"

Acouple Days Later

.................for the past acouple of days (Y/N) has been trying to get Blake to stop doing the investigation and get some rest, but it was futile. She didn't listen to her friends either, also she didn't pay attention to Melissa as she suddenly became worried that her own mother isn't paying attention to her. Then (Y/N) has had enough and he is hiding behind a corner as he sees Blake walking in the direction and he hears her footsteps getting closer and then as she turned the corner he grabbed her and lifted him on his shoulder.....................
Blake: "Hey. What the? (Y/N), put me down!"
(Y/N): "We are gonna talk."
..................he feels her struggling to get outta his grasp, but he had a good hold on her. Then he takes her in an empty classroom as he sets her down as she looks at him......................
Blake: "What the hell (Y/N)? What was that for?"
(Y/N): "Blake, you need to slow down."
Blake: "What? No? I can't. I told you many of times I am not stopping."
(Y/N): "Blake. You never get enough sleep, you don't talk to anyone, and you ignore me and Melissa. She's worried about you, she is still a baby and her own mother ignoring her is not cool."
Blake: "I'm sorry (Y/N), but after what I found out about the White Fang doing all this. I have to find out more."
(Y/N): "But, that doesn't mean you have to keep doing this and ignoring your friends and *points at himself* your family."
Blake: "(Y/N), we've been in the White Fang. But, you joined after me, you don't know Adam like I do. You'll never understand what my family has gone through with them. You wouldn't understand."
.................she looks away from him as she crossed her arms, then (Y/N) looks down as he clutched his hand in a fist....................
(Y/N): "Actually, I do."
Blake: "What?"
(Y/N): "My family had no association with the White Fang, my father did the same thing that you're doing."
Blake: *looks at him* "What do you mean?"
(Y/N): "My father was a huntsman, before everything that happened with the White Fang. My father never wanted me in the White Fang as soon as I was born. But, that's when the White Fang wanted to recruit me and my father never wanted that, your father understood. *her eyes widen* So, he didn't allow it. But, that's when Sienna Khan came in and everything changed, then one day................."
Blake: "What? What is it?"
(Y/N): "My father went on an investigation mission as soon as Sienna Khan came into the leadership of the White Fang, my father never returned after acouple of weeks, but then after that we found out that he was murdered when I was only a year old."
Blake: *looks at him saddened* "W-What?"
(Y/N): "As I grew up, nobody knew what happened. Until I found out, someone in the White Fang killed him. The White Fang forced my mother to make me join. And after I found out that my father never wanted me in the White Fang and to find out that someone in that organization is responsible for what happened to my father? That's another reason why I left Blake. And I don't want Melissa to go through that, you keep this up it might happen to Melissa as well and I don't want that to happen."
....................he looks down as he starts to cry slowly, but he felt someone hug him as it's Blake as he heard her crying....................
Blake: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to make you and Melissa worry. I never should've made anyone worry, I should've never continued investigating. I'm such a horrible wife and mother."
(Y/N): "You're not, don't think that you're not a terrible wife and mother. Just promise not to do this again."
Blake: "I promise, for you and Melissa I will not do this again. I'm gonna get some rest."
...................she walks away and (Y/N) looks down as he placed his hand on the teacher's desk.....................
Blake: "Hey (Y/N). *he looks at her, as she smiles at him* I'll see you at the dance."
(Y/N): *smiles* "Yeah. I'll see you there."

Blake P.O.V

.................Blake is in her dorm with her hands on her face thinking of what she's been doing after what (Y/N) told her, then she hears cooing as she sees Melissa looking at her. She walks up to her as she took her our of the crib and held her as she hugged her...................
Blake: "I'm sorry Melissa, I didn't mean to ignore you. I promise I won't do it again. Mommy's never going to ignore you again."
Baby Melissa: "Mama."
.................she smiles, then she placed her down, but then surprisingly she started getting on her feet and Blake's eyes widen as she walked back and got on her knees and opened her arms to Melissa....................
Blake: "Come on Melissa, come to mommy."
.................Melissa starts walking to Blake and she continued as she gets closed and Blake grabbed her and picked her up as she hugged her for walking her first steps."

To be continued....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of is chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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