Final Chapter and Epilogue: A Perfect Future for a Family

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Final Chapter to this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Blake P.O.V
Flashback Before the Prologue

"Blake is sitting in a crate in a White Fang Base reading a book that she had along with others beside her, after a talk with Ilia she decided to find a quiet place to relax and read to get her mind off of things. Her reading was interrupted with soldiers moving crates around as she decided to go somewhere else, she goes outside to focus, but bumps into a White Fang Solider dropping her books with one of em down the stairs, she picks them up as she went for the last one to see a guy with (H/C) hair and cat ears along with (E/C) picking it up and gives it to her......................
????: "Here."
Blake: *takes it* "Thank you."
????: "Trying to find someplace quiet to read?"
Blake: *looks at him* "Yeah. How'd you know?"
????: "I do the same with not getting annoyed with all the work around here, I know a place. Would you like to come with me?"
Blake: "Sure."
......................she followed him to where he is taking her as they head of a tree, they climb it and Blake starts her reading with the guy sitting in a branch next to her as he relaxed......................
????: "That's a good book you're reading."
Blake: *looks at him* "What?"
????: "That book, it's a good story and a good read."
Blake: "You read too?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. I didn't feel like it today so I decided to rest. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."
Blake: "Blake Belladonna."
(Y/N): "Hey cool name. *she blushes* You okay?"
Blake: "I'm- I'm fine."
......................she continued reading, but would take little glances at (Y/N) with a little blush on her face. They walked back to the base with the sun setting with them walking away, but Blake stops to look at him and ran towards him......................
Blake: "(Y/N) wait."
(Y/N): *looks at her* "Yes?"
Blake: "W-Would you like to hang out sometime?"
(Y/N): "Sure. I would love to."
Blake: "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."
(Y/N): "See ya."
......................he walked off as she did, but she stopped to look at him walking as she had a smile on her face.....................

Flashback Ends
13 Years Later

......................Blake is now looking on at the ocean on her home balcony at Menagerie with her hair moving from the wind, she smiled at where her life is right now. She felt hands wrap around her waist as she cupped the cheek of the one person she knows that like to do that......................
Blake: "Hey."
(Y/N): "Hey."
......................they kissed as they enjoyed each other together, after everything that happened (Y/N) and Blake are now officially married after they turned eighteen years old and the house in Menagerie that was burned down is rebuilt with (Y/N) being the new chieftain of Menagerie. They walk in the house heading towards the kitchen to see Melissa who is fourteen years old with Jade and Jasper thirteen years old......................
Melissa: *looks at them* "Hey mom, hey dad."
Jade/Jasper: "Hey."
(Y/N): "Hey kids. How you feel?"
Melissa: "I'm alright. *stretches* Had a good night sleep and ready for today."
(Y/N): "That's good. Cause a certain number of people are coming to visit today."
Jade: "You mean?"
Blake: *chuckles* "Yeah, everyone you all know."
Jasper: "Yay, I can't wait."
(Y/N): "They'll be here any minute, want to go wait for them?"
Jasper: "Yeah."
......................they walked to the front door to put in their shoes, they go out the door with (Y/N) doing the same. Blake looked at a picture of her, (Y/N), their kids at a young age, her parents, and his mother in a family picture which she smiled at. She never expected her life to be where it is now, but she is happy about it now that she has a family with the guy she loves along with friends she is happy to have. She never regretted it and never walked away, she will always be a mom and a Huntress."

The End

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this story and this story was requested by Brave_Vesperia and shout-outs goes to her, now with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Till the End: Wife Blake Belladonna x Husband Cat Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now