Chapter 8.5: Team JNPR Babysitting

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is an extra chapter 8.5, and by the title you should know what's going to happen in this and this was an idea by some of you readers,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Pyrrha P.O.V

"Pyrrha is in her dorm with Melissa as she is being watched by her and her team, Pyrrha is in the dorm with Melissa as she is tickling her as she giggles.................
Pyrrha: "Goochi-Goochi goo, who's a cute baby? Who's a cute baby?"
Baby Melissa: *giggles*
.................Pyrrha kept tickling her as she hears her door open and she looks to see her team walk in...................
Jaune: "Hey Pyrrha, we're................."
.................their eyes widen as they saw Melissa as Pyrrha cradles her..................
Jaune: "Where did that baby come from?"
Pyrrha: "This is Melissa. She's (Y/N) and Blake's daughter."
Nora: "Awwww, she's so cute. *walks up to her* Hi there cutie."
.................Melissa smiles as she reaches for her and Nora sits in the bed with Pyrrha and she adores her and Ren sat on his bed................
Ren: "It looks like she's acouple months old."
Jaune: "Wait, where are (Y/N) and Blake?"
Pyrrha: "They had things to do so they assigned me to watch her and that's what I'm doing."
Nora: "Well, at least you did. I wonder how long they'll be back?"
Pyrrha: "Oh, they'll be back. Just don't know how long."
..................Melissa coos as she reached for Nora and she cradles her as she giggles..................

3rd P.O.V
Acouple Hours Later's been acouple hours since then and Melissa is hiding as she is playing hide-and-seek as Nora is looking for her, Pyrrha decided to play as well as they both are looking for her...................
Nora: "Come out, come out Melissa. You can't hide forever."
..................Pyrrha looks under the bed and she doesn't see anything, then Nora checks the pile of clothes and as she does, Melissa pops out and Nora falls back after being scared as Melissa giggles and claps at that, as Pyrrha walks up to her as Melissa reaches for her and she picks her up...................
Pyrrha: "Found you."
Nora: "Good one Melissa."
..................she giggles more as she had a lot of fun and they kept watching her until (Y/N) and Blake got back."

To be continued...................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this extra chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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