Chapter 22: Arriving in Menagerie! Meeting the Family

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 22 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After taking a ship back to Menagerie, they finally arrived as they walked off with their kids and saw everyone around as some were at the ship port waiting for some others of their family, friends hanging out with each other, or just some looking around the market. (Y/N) looks to see Melissa looking around curiously.....................
(Y/N): "Melissa *she looks at him* this is me and Blake's home. This is Menagerie."
......................she smiles as she looks around and they head somewhere as (Y/N) follows Blake as she pushes the stroller with Jade and Jasper in it, they kept walking as they go on a hill to see a view as (Y/N) smiles....................
(Y/N): "The place hasn't changed, I remember everything here."
Blake: "Yeah. Do you have a memory with your father here?"
(Y/N): *looks down sad* "Yeah. I do. I remember everything me and my father did, before that day."
Blake: *holds his hand* "I'm sure he'll be proud of what you've done."
(Y/N): *smiles as he looks at her* "Thank you Blake."
......................they continue to the destination they're headed as they see a big house in the distance, (Y/N) looks in amazement as that's the house they're headed to....................
(Y/N): "Who lives in this house?"
Blake: "My family."
(Y/N): *looks at her surprised* (So, this is it? Time to officially meet her family.)

3rd P.O.V

......................they arrive as they go up the stairs and stood in front of a big door, Blake goes to grab handle to knock on the door, but freezes as she looks down sad.....................
(Y/N): "Blake what's the matter?"
Blake: "I um-It's just been a long time since I have seen my parents."
(Y/N): "I know, I still have to find my mom here. I just hope she's still living in the house I grew up in."
Blake: *looks at him smiling* "I know you will."
(Y/N): *looks at her smiling* "Thanks. Don't be afraid, go on."
......................she nods, then she breathes in and out as she grabbed the handle and knocked on the door as it made a big sound as the kids looked at it in amazement as (Y/N) is shocked..................
(Y/N): "Has it always been like that?"
Blake: "Yeah."
......................the door opens as a cat Faunus woman peeks her head out as her ears stood up and her eyes widen as she stepped out in shock...................
Kali: "Blake?"
Blake: "Hi mom."
Kali: *walks up to her and hugs her* "My baby girl."
......................Blake's eyes widen and she hugged back, as they stop hugging Kali looks in the stroller to see Jade and Jasper as they look at her and she looks at them adoringly....................
Kali: "Blake, who's these babies?"
Blake: "They're- my kids."
Kali: *eyes widen in surprise and happiness* "They're yours? I'm a grandma?"
......................she kneels to them and adored them as they smile, then she looks at (Y/N) as her eyes widen looking at Melissa as she gets confused...................
(Y/N): "Melissa, *she looks at him* this is mommy's mother. Your grandmother."
Kali: *eyes widen in happiness* "I have three grandkids?"
......................Melissa smiles as she reached for her and Kali holds her as she hugged her and Melissa hugged back, then Kali looks at (Y/N) as she looked at him curiously.....................
Kali: "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. I guess you knew my father."
Kali: *smiles* "He always talked about you, and look at you now. All grown up, and a father."
Ghira: "Kali, who is it?"
......................Ghira walks in as he is confused, but he looks to see Blake and his face changes as he smiles after that. Then he saw the a babies as he looks at (Y/N).................
Ghira: "Blake, are these kids yours? And is he the father?"
Kali: "Ghira, this is Markus (L/N)'s son."
Ghira: *looks at him surprised* "(Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "Hello Mr. Belladonna."
Ghira: *laughs in happiness* "Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/N) *shakes his hand* I never expected you to show up here."
......................they walk in the house as Kali made tea and they told them about everything that happened before they arrived at Beacon and that they're married. Ghira was upset at first, but is happy that (Y/N) made a choice to take responsibility....................
Ghira: "So, from what you told me. *picks up Melissa as she giggles in happiness* This little girl is the oldest."
(Y/N): "Yes sir."
Ghira: "Well, isn't she just a fun little one. What's her name?"
Blake: "Melissa."
Kali: "Aw, I like that name. And what about *looks at Jade and Jasper* these two."
(Y/N): "Twins, the girl is Jade and the boy is Jasper."
Ghira: "Well, I wouldn't be happy about this. But, you did what you promised Blake and I'm proud she chose someone good like you."
......................they smile as Blake held (Y/N)'s hand and he held hers as they looked at each other....................
Kali: "We were horrified when we heard the news. The kingdom of Vale wasn't perfect, but it certainly didn't deserve what happened. *sighs* We were both so worried, and if I knew I was already a grandmother I would've been very worried."
Ghira: *chuckles* "Please, I knew she'd be fine and with (Y/N) she would be more safe!"
Kali: "That isn't the slightest bit true. You should've seen him pacing."
(Y/N): *chuckles* "Have any of you two seen or talked to my mother?"
Kali: "Yes. She was so worried."
Ghira: "She came by and was worried to death about you. But, I knew you would do okay since you're Markus's son."
(Y/N): *smiles* "Yeah."
......................a knock was heard at the door as they look and Ghira realizes........................
Ghira: "Darn it, I completely forgot about the meeting!" *slams fist on the table*
Kali: *holds his hand* "Ghira....."
Ghira: *holds her hand* "Give me a moment." *lets go of her hand and gives Melissa to Kali as she smiles as he stood up and walked to the door*
Blake: *looks at Kali to see her looking down* "Is everything okay?"
Kali: "Yes dear, just poor timing. He can reschedule. It's just been hard dealing with them lately."
Blake: "Dealing with who?"
Kali: "Mm? The White Fang."
(Y/N)/Blake: *both stood up shocked* "What?!"
......................they both ran to the door as they saw Ghira and two members of the White Fang standing there....................
Blake: "Dad!"
Ghira: *looks at her* "Blake, what's wrong?"
Corsac: "Miss Belladonna."
Fennec: "We had no idea you returned."
Blake: "What are you doing talking to these people?"
Ghira: "This is Corsac and Fennec Albain. They represent the White Fang here in Menagerie now."
(Y/N): "You two have a lot of nerve coming here."
Fennec: "(Y/N) (L/N), son of Markus (L/N)."
Corsac: "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm sure from what happened we're not nearly as ferocious as the media would have said, I'm sure you understand."
Blake: "What we've heared? We seen firsthand. Your fanatics slaughtered people!"
Ghira: "What are they talking about?"
Corsac: "Precisely what we came to discuss with you, Your Grace."
Kali: "Is everything alright?"
(Y/N): "You guys don't know?"
Ghira: "Know what?"
Blake: "The White Fang was at the fall of Beacon. They attacked innocent civilians and they released Grimm into the school."
Ghira: "Is this true?"
Fennec: "Sadly Your Grace, it is."
Blake: "Don't act like you're so-"
Ghira: *moves his hand in front of her* "That's enough! Explain yourselves."
Corsac: "Though it pains us to admit, it has become apparent that the Vale branch of the White Fang is no longer under the orders of High Leader Khan. Rather, they have elected to follows the rule of one Adam Taurus. *(Y/N)'s eyes widen in anger* I believe you're all familiar with the young adept and his...extreme philosophies."
(Y/N): "And what about his extreme philosophies about threatening Blake? *Ghira's eyes widen* Threatening to kill everyone she loves and cares about? And even him responsible for killing my father?"
Ghira: *looks at him shocked* "What? Is this true?"
(Y/N): "Yes Mr. Belladonna, he admitted it to me."
......................Ghira balls his hands into fists as he gets angry.....................
Corsac: "Your Grace, we don't know if that is true."
Ghira: "He just said Adam admitted it, so if he said it. He confessed!"
Fennec: "But, Your Grace-"
(Y/N): *goes into his beast semblance form* "Adam Taurus is a murder, that's all the proof."
Ghira: *eyes widen in amazement* "Amazing. *looks at Corsac and Fennec* Now listen here, Adam Taurus will be under trial for what was confirmed right now and what happened at Beacon."
Fennec: "This can't be proof under the latest incident."
Blake: "Incident? People are dead!"
(Y/N): "And it's because of Adam Taurus being leader."
Ghira: *looks at Corsac and Fennec angry* "Leave. Now."
Fennec: "But, Your Grace-"
Ghira: "I said leave, if you know the truth and refusing to tell me you can leave."
......................they bow as they turn around and walk away, (Y/N) calms down as Blake placed a hand on his shoulder and he held her hand as she did, they walked in the room where Kali goes to the kids as they smile as she adored them while (Y/N), Blake, and Ghira goes to his office....................
Ghira: "I can't believe this. Adam Taurus responsible for Markus's death, I'm sorry (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize."
Blake: "What's gonna happen now?"
Ghira: "Adam Taurus will be on trial for what happened, and he will pay for threatening you and my grandkids Blake."
(Y/N): "It's not going to be enough."
Ghira: "That's what I'm worried about. But, (Y/N) I think you need to pay your mother a visit to show that you're alright."
(Y/N): "I will. It's what I wanted to do when I was coming back here to Menagerie. I'll be back."
Ghira: "And (Y/N). *he looks at her* Call me dad now since you're married to Blake. *smiles* I'm glad she chose a good person."
......................he smiles as he nods as he walks out and Blake looks at him as he did......................

(Y/N) P.O.V

......................he walks through the village as he head to where his mother is, then he sees it in the distance as he walks towards it and stands at the door. He sighs as he knocked on the door and he waits, he hears the door open to see a cat Faunus woman standing there with (H/C) hair as well as a blue eye color and she looks at (Y/N) as her eyes widen...................
Lynn: "(Y/N)?"
(Y/N): *smiles* "Hey mom."
Lynn: *hugs him as he hugs back* "My baby boy, I was so worried."
(Y/N): "I know. But, I'm okay now."
Lynn: *stops hugging him to look at him* "I was so worried. When the news broke out I- At least you're okay."
(Y/N): "Yeah. And I have a surprise, you're gonna have to come with me to the Belladonna home."
Lynn: "Okay."
......................they head to the Belladonna home as they walk in and (Y/N) sees Kali there with the kids as Lynn walked in and saw them...................
Lynn: "Where did these little cuties come from?"
Kali: "From the two parents beside you."
......................(Y/N) felt a hand touch his as he sees Blake standing there with a smile and he looks at Lynn to se her face surprised...................
Lynn: "Th-They're your kids?"
(Y/N): "Yes mom."
......................her eyes widen in happiness as she know she's is also a grandmother, she walked up to the, and started adoring them along with Kali. Melissa hugs her as she hugged back and the twins did the same, (Y/N) looked at them knowing he has a big family now with his mother and Blake's family."

To be continued..................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and wth that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Till the End: Wife Blake Belladonna x Husband Cat Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now