Chapter 27: Heading to Atlas! Train Battle

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 27 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what is going to happen,

No with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After (Y/N) and Blake stopped Adam from destroying Haven Academy as well reuniting with their friends, they are headed to Atlas to bring the relic there. They are on a train waiting to arrive in Argus, (Y/N) is in a room on the train holding Melissa while she sleeps peacefully while Jade and Jasper are in little cribs next to him, he hears the door open to see Blake walk in with Yang and sit next to him as Yang sits in the seat in front of him......................
(Y/N): "Hey Blake, hey Yang."
Yang: "Hey."
Blake: "Well, I guess we're headed to Atlas now."
(Y/N): "Yeah. No return after this, we need to be ready for what happens along the way."
Yang: "Whatever is gonna be in the way, we'll take care of it."
......................the train shakes which gets them alarmed as well waking up the kids causing them to cry, (Y/N) looks outside to see a Grimm fly by......................
(Y/N): "Oh no, it's Grimm."
Blake: "Oh no."
Nora: *runs in* "Grimm are attacking the train, a lot of them."
(Y/N): "Nora, stay here and watch the kids."
......................Nora nods as (Y/N) hands Melissa to her for him to run out and jump on top of the train to see a Grimm he hasn't seen before along with more. He brings out his weapons and starts shooting them which they died from the shots that (Y/N) is shooting at them, he sees the unkw on Grimm on one side of the train with Team RWBY, Qrow, and Oscar standing in front of it which he runs to help; but, gets caught off with a Grimm landing in front of him causing him to fight as stabs it in the gut making it roar in pain, he cuts off the head of the Grimm and continues running to help and two Beowolves appeared as he fights them. A shaking is felt and he sees Blake along with everyone fall off the train......................
(Y/N): "BLAKE!"
......................he looks as the train drives off which he starts worrying about them as Blake is with them, but he runs back to where Melissa, Jade, and Jasper are as he wanted to see how they are......................


......................(Y/N) is in Argus sitting on a bench holding Melissa while Jade and Jasper are in a stroller, he is worried for Blake after what happened on the train. He hears whining as Melissa is looking at him worried......................
(Y/N): "What's wrong Melissa?"
Baby Melissa: "Mama."
(Y/N): "I know, I'm worried too. But, I'm sure she's okay *looks at Jade and Jasper, rubs their heads causing them to giggle* we just have to hope. *hears walking, looks to see Jaune* Hey Jaune, what's up?"
Jaune: "Well, I got good news. We definitely found a place to stay for the time being."
(Y/N): "No bad news?"
Jaune: "Well."
......................they arrive at a house and (Y/N) looks around until he sees a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes like Jaune as she held a baby in her arms......................
????: "Hey Jaune, is this (Y/N)?"
Jaune: "Yeah, this is him. (Y/N), this is my older sister Saphron."
(Y/N): *looks at her shocked* "You're one of his sisters?"
Saphron: "Yeah. And this is my son Adrian, *looks at Melissa* and I believe this is your daughter Melissa?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. And these two are Jade and Jasper, they're twins."
Saphron: "Well, they're cute. *rubs Melissa's hair making her giggle* Yes you are, yes you are."
......................Melissa looks at Adrian which he does as well, she reaches for him as he did. They place Melissa and Adrian on the ground as they started playing together, Jade and Jasper gets placed next to them as they joins them......................
Saphron: "Looks like they got along really well."
(Y/N): "Yeah. I'm surprised at that."
Saphron: "Jaune told me about you as well, you're a really proud father from what I heard."
(Y/N): *chuckles* "Yeah, I really am."
.......................(Y/N) is sitting in the living room feeding Jasper, he happily drank the milk while he is being held by his father. He finishes which (Y/N) gently pats his back which he burps, after that he gets another bottle for Jade as he started feeding her, he pats her back which she burps as well, Melissa is seen playing with Adrian. He hears the door open to see Nora running in......................
(Y/N): "Blake? *she nods* She's okay?"
.....................he runs with Nora to see everyone there and he smiles seeing Blake, she looks at him and they rushed at each other as she jumped to him for them to hug......................
Blake: "I was so worried."
(Y/N): "I should be saying that, but at least you're okay."
.....................they return back to Saphron's house and the moment Blake walked in, Melissa, Jade, and Jasper went to her as they hugged her with her returning the gesture with Blake happy to see they're safe."

To be continued....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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