Chapter 26: The Battle to Defend Haven

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 26 of this story and by the tired of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Adam P.O.V

"Adam is in the courtyard of Haven Academy, but after his fight with (Y/N) he was heavily injured beyond nearly being helped from medical. His right arm is a prosthetic and he had scars from the broken mask that the pieces stabbed in his face and where he was punched and even stitched up from the wound he was given, a crashing sound is heard as he sees Hazel on the ground................
White Fang Soldier 1: "What's happening?"
Hazel: "None of your concern."
......................he brings out two more dust crystals and he stabs them in his arms, he roars as he feels the power of the dust in his body. Adam then continues with the plan......................
Adam: "Stay focused, our friends are almost done here."
Blake: "ADAM!"
......................he looks on a building to see Blake standing there making his surprised......................
Adam: "Blake?"
Hazel: "Who is that?"
Blake: "Stand down!"
......................the White Fang Soldiers pointed their guns at her while some gets in a fighting stance, but Adam stop them with spreading his arms out in a halting stance......................
Adam: "Wait! *looks at her, then laughs* To think I went through so much trouble to find you, on,y to have you deliver yourself to me."
Blake: "This isn't what's right for the Faunus, stop what you're doing and end this peacefully."
Adam: "You're wrong Blake, and you can't stop us."
Blake: "No, I can't. Not by myself."
(Y/N) 'Beastly Voice': "That's why she brought help and she's not alone."
......................Adam looks in shock to see (Y/N) in his semblance and also other Faunus behind him......................
Adam: "What? Who's there?"
......................he looks in another direction to see Ghira with more Faunus behind him......................
Ghira: "Your brothers and sisters."
......................Adam looks in anger seeing other Faunus turn against him, he sees the soldiers getting scared as he didn't.....................
Adam: "Make no mistake brothers. These are our enemies and we will not let them ruin-"
......................he hears a noise and he looks to see a ship flying over him with search lights. It points at him which he knows what is going on......................
Mistral Police Officer: "Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force. Lowers your weapons and surrender peacefully."
......................Blake jumps off the building as she stood in front of Adam, (Y/N) is seen walking towards her with anger on his face and he growls......................
Adam: "HOW?!?!? HOW DID YOU DO THIS!?"
Blake: "Adam, it's over."
(Y/N) 'beastly voice': "You better listen, you're outnumbered."
Adam: *looks around, then he smirks* "Then it's over for all of us!"
......................he pushes the button, but nothing happens. He does it again which nothing still happens......................
White Fang Soldier 2: "What are you doing? Trying to get us all killed?"
(Y/N) 'beastly voice': *chuckles* "Now that's a definition of a 'good leader' who tries to kill his own people."
Adam: *grabs the soldier's outfit* "I am making humanity pay for what they've done!"
Blake: "We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did she disarmed them."
......................Adam sees Ilia with the wires from the bombs in her hand which knows they are disarmed, he gets angry and he doesn't think of a plan......................
Adam: *looks at Hazel* "What do we do?"
Hazel: *cracks knuckles* "This is your business. Not mine, fix it!"
Blake: "I told you Adam, *he looks at her* it's over."
......................he yells in anger as he rushed at her, he grabs his sword and he attacks Blake. But, she uses her semblance and appears beside Adam, she raises her hand in the air and does a double axe handle hit knocking him down. (Y/N) appears next to him and kicks him in the head which he flies into the wall of the building, he grunts in pain......................
Adam: "KILL THEM!"

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