act one: I

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I wish they would only take me as I am.

-Vincent Van Gogh

Act 1: And So They Fall Like Angels

"Give it up, kid, you're not old enough."

"Please, I need it. It's for my-"

"Whatever kid, I'm not gonna sell it to ya, and there's nothin you can do bout it."

i sighed, and emptied my wallet. My 5 months worth of savings.

"Keep the fucking change." i snapped, taking the brandy bottle from his sweaty hands and shoving it into my backpack. The shop keeper gave me a toothy grin and counted the money i gave him.
"Motherfucker." i muttered angrily. I got on my bicycle and cycled away quickly before he could change his mind.

After putting a good distance between myself and the liquor shop, i cycled much slower in hopes of reaching home later. The view of dark, barren trees and the ashy gray sky wasn't making me feel better at all, no matter how hard i wished it did.

"Ah... it's raining."

i quickly took cover, because the only type of rain that's ever going to fall here is acid rain. Drops of deadly poison and all that bad shit. Get me a tall glass of that.

i flipped open my phone, and dialled her number.

"Ruth, i swear to god, if there is one."

//hahaha, real funny Miller. Still buying Adult Juice TM when i told you not to. you bad boy.

"First of all, you're not my fucking mom Ruth. And second, didn't i tell you to stop calling liquor 'Adult Juice TM'? Third, you're stalking me again.

//Okay yeah fine I'm stalking you, but that's because i care about you.

"Real sweet of you, I can see you across the road."

i saw her put down her phone, so i did the same. She waved excitedly to me, and looked both ways before crossing the road. Yes, crossing the road, in the toxic acid rain. She miraculously managed to make it without vaporising into the air.

"Luluu~ I missed you!" she cooed, her pink button nose poking out of her scarf.

"You saw me yesterday at school."

"Yeah, but you know I'm only physically present at school all the time. Only, physically. Only."

"I can hear you, you broken record."

"Meanie." she said, sticking her tongue out, her spiky red hair poking out under her MCR beanie.

"Thanks Ruth."

"For what? Looking out for you or calling you a meanie?"

i chuckled at that response. "Both i guess."
she smiled, the kind of soft smiles that girls do when you compliment them. I always thought those smiles were fake, but Ruth is an exception.

"See you the day after tomorrow! I can hear my dad calling me from the distance!"

"Bye!" i called back, getting on my bike and continuing my journey home.

I didn't ask for this life in the most polluted shithole in the universe. I didn't ask for my mom to be alcoholic. I guess the universe just gives you things you don't want sometimes, and maybe that's okay. I don't think it is though. I never did. Sometimes i thought it was unfair, but it's not like the universe owed me anything.

I decided to just tune out for a bit, and forget that the universe existed in the first place. It's calming really. i do it all the time, and it works. It calms my nerves, and it's the one thing that's keeping me sane in this god forsaken world.
I'm probably just some hormonal angsty teen who only knows how to squeeze a cuss word in every sentence, who knows. I don't care.

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