act three: II

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You know, i am something of a scientist myself.
There is a condition called Victor Deprivation, and it occurs when you don't get your daily dose of Victor's adorableness, and the symptoms are as follows:


that's it. So, anyway, this condition can be cured by spending time with Victor, and thinking about him works too.

Ugh fuck, I'm so in love, i disgust myself.

My assignment to write an essay about a 'made up disease' was not going very well, so i did the rational thing: give up, and procrastinate.
I couldn't stop thinking about him, it was getting irritating, i was about to lose it.

I get to see Victor today.

That was all i could think about the entirety of the day, and it distracted me so much i could hardly pay attention in general, let alone in class.

Break rolled around quickly, so i squeezed my way through the halls to the cafeteria.
Then of course, my clumsy headass would bump into someone, and that someone just had to he someone who hates me.

"Uh, h-hi Malcolm."

fuck, shouldn't have opened my mouth.

So for some reason, Malcolm wouldn't give me the time of the day, and he was pissed as hell. He glared daggers at me, and no teachers were around to save me this time.

"Do you know where she is?"


he blushed and looked away. I had to blink a few times to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

"Ruth, is that her name?"

something in my brain clicked, and the following information coursed through me, making me go hyper all of a sudden.


he shoved me into the locker and covered my mouth.

"N-No, shut up."

oMG Did hE jUsT staMmEr???

I smirked stupidly at him, the obvious blush heating up his face, and pushed away his hand.

"I can use this against you."

"Tsk, I-I know."

"Nice. I won't tell anyone so don't worry ok? Now fuck off, I want to eat."

He did as i told, and holy shit.

Malcolm liked Ruth.
Too bad Ruth is taken, damn.

Then the bell rang, rudely interrupting the Ruth x Malcolm fantasy fiction playing in my head.
I headed back to class, and gave Malcolm occasional moon emoji faces. He scowled and turned away.


I was on my way to meet Victor after school had ended for the day, then I realized that we never actually discussed where to meet, so i texted him.

L: where are you?

Unknown: I think I'm outside your school

L: okay, ill come to you.

I wandered around near the front gate for a whilez then i found him kneeling down looking at something on the floor.


"Hello. I was looking at this bird."

"...It looks hurt."

I looked at the struggling bird near Victor's feet. It was chirping frantically, and it's wing looked jacked up.

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