epilogue: true end

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the true end.
If letting go is a little sweeter.


I close my eyes. I let the tears roll down my face, I let everything go.



A gasp bubbled in my chest, but it didn't quite come out just yet. A pair of arms was wrapped around me, and no matter how much I leaned forward, I couldn't fall off.

"Please let me go..."

"I won't."

This world is so cruel.

I can't budge, so I just stand here, transfixed by the dizzying world below me. I am being pulled back. I'm too weak to do anything about it, so I let myself get dragged away from freedom.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask while on the brink of tears, I can feel it welling up in my throat and my eyes.

I'm so tired.
Tired of being saved, and then being let down all over again.

"You don't owe me anything. But you have to do this for me."

I felt like I was shattering. I couldn't hold myself together anymore.

"You should be the person understand me the most. Don't you feel the same?"

"I do. But it's too late for me."
"You still have a chance. To live your life."

"It's no point without you."

"You can't hold on to me forever."

I still want to hold you.
Keep you close, have you all to myself.
But you're not mine.You were never mine.

The sadness will last forever.

"Let me go for now. I promise, in our next lives, I'll come back to you, and I'll stay."

I'm so tired.
Maybe I'm tired of holding on to you.


I held out my pinkie finger.

I'll miss you for now.

He smiled, and linked his pinkie with mine.

"I promise."

"Once you leave I'm leaving my house. Ditch school. Scream a big 'fuck you' to the entire universe."

He laughed.

"Go crazy, angel."

"I'll miss you."

"Me too. When I find my way back to you, you'll never have to miss me ever again."


true end.

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