act one: II

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I swore i saw something, i knew i did. Whatever it was, it was black, and it moved. i wiped my eyes and squinted into the darkness, and sure enough, among the gravestones, i saw a silhouette of a man, staring at me.

"Hello?" i called out, then i realized that it was a bad idea, because he might be a ghost or whatever. He still stared silently, and I've never felt this violated and vulnerable in my life.
I decided to look away, slowly get up from where i was sitting, put some distance between us, and make a mad sprint out the gate. My plan seemed solid enough at the time, so i went with it.

So, step one, look away.
That took some effort because i was too busy staring back at his weirdly stoic face.

Step two, get up.
Ah, my legs are frozen. Guess I'll die. Haha, no I'm joking, but at that time i was so scared i thought i might piss myself.

Step three, get back very very slowly.
I began a seemingly casual stroll along the gravestones, making it seem like I'm definitely not trying to run away. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, but whatever. If you're scared, you don't take your time to pull out a handkerchief to calmly wipe your sweat away do you?

Step four, fucking, run.
i took off at top speed, too busy worrying about my life to see where i was going. So i ran into the dude, who was at least a head taller than me. What the fuck? Did he teleport or something? I could've swore he was way off in the distance. He caught me so that I didn't fall, and clamped a gloved hand over my mouth.

"Mffgh!!" I struggled, punching him and whatever shit i was doing, I don't even know. My back got slammed into the stone wall, and my bones shuddered in pain. I felt like I've been hit by a truck, so i stopped fighting. l stopped struggling.
Im going to die. I thought, so i closed my eyes and waited for my brain to shut down, but it didn't. I opened, one eye, then two.

"Be quiet." he said. His voice sounded so far away, like the sounds you'd hear if you were submerged in an ocean. I decided to shut up, because if I didn't, he looked like he'd kill me then and there.

"P-Please.. I can't b-breathe...." i gasped, hopong he'd hear me. I took a big gulp of air as he let go, and grabbed my hair instead.

"You could see me."

"Am i supposed to not see you?"

"No one should be able see me, so you're special."

"Huh......" i said, before lamely passing out, because my brain figured that it would be better to fall unconscious instead of pissing myself.

I woke up exactly where i fainted, except my body was in much lesser pain, and after getting the shit beaten out of me, i felt fully awake for once. Go me.
I got up to leave but found that I couldn't, my legs would not budge. The black haired dude sat next to me on the grass, gazing at my dad's gravestone.

"He's in a good place."


"Not really, but some place like that."

"I guess that's good isn't it?"

"Yes, lucky him." the dude murmured, gesturing to the little flowers at the base of the cross. I remembered i was supposed to be freaked out because I was just tackled to the ground and beaten up by a stranger a few minutes ago, but freaking out and running wasn't a very good option right now. The gate was too far away.

"U-Um... you live around here?"

"I did." he spoke softly, and averted his gaze away from mine as if he was afraid to tell me something.

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