act two: I

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When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.

- William Shakespeare

Act 2: Down the Rabbit Hole

I got home really stupidly giddy that day, a weird smile plastered on my face the whole time. I hung my coat by the door, and debated whether i should take the scarf with me of leave it with my coat. Well guess fucking what, I'm going to keep it folded nicely in my room next to my bed.

I wondered where my mom was, then i heard her snoring in her room, so i left her alone.

I kicked off my shoes, changed into much more comfortable clothes, then threw myself on my bed hugging with the red scarf given to me.
I dug my face into said scarf, and screamed into it.

"What's happening to me..." i muttered, breathless after a few minutes of screaming and flailing around on my bed like some crazy, mental person who belonged in an asylum.
Why was i so attached to this ghost dude?

Just then my phone went 'ping!", so i checked it, half expecting a text from Ruth,about a free lecture on how to not be a loser and how to be as extroverted and socially acceptable like she was. Strangely, that text wasn't from Ruth, but from my mom.

Birth Giver: You have school tomorrow dont you

L: yes.

BG: Okay

And that was it from her, but oh, that dreaded feeling hit me like a bus; nay, a train.

There was school tomorrow.

Of course, everyone hates school in some way, I know for a fact that I'm not special when it came to this. There were many, and i mean, many good reasons to hate my school. I don't mean to sound like a bitchsquealer or anything, but my school sucked especially, because of how many assholes are studying there and how at least 40 students were crammed into each tiny classroom.

I sighed, and put my phone away.

Since i had the rest of the day to myself, I was going to try to do at least one productive activity, such as cleaning my room, or finishing my homework for once. I opted for cleaning my room, because I'll never be in the mood to do homework.

~ (time skip, because no one wants to read about room cleaning)

So i ended up chucking most of my junk under my bed, and got distracted by things i forgot i owned. I stumbled upon a crusty old cardboard box that was at some point painted black. I brushed off the layer of dust covering it, and inside was my old polaroid camera.

"Ooooh~" I muttered, and checked if it still worked. Amazingly, it did, and I may or may not have did a little victory dance
while holding the camera in my hands, flexing on myself in the mirror.
Then i sat down, and wondered,

Would Victor show up in the polaroid camera?

What a great question there, I don't know.
Only one way to find out, and that is to take a picture with Victor in it.

After my room was somewhat cleaned, i patted myself on the back and continued with getting ready for school tomorrow, and yes, that included finishing my homework.

I ended up doing two productive things that day, mainly because i was in such a stupidly good mood, and that shit was amazing on it's own. What's more amazing was that i actually finished what i started, and that i didn't slack off or groan for once. I was busy marvelling at my good work when i got a text from Ruth.

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