act three: I

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the sadness will last forever.

-Vincent Van Gogh

Act 3: I've Got You, Love

a/n: trigger warning: gore, violence.

Why is everything becoming darker....


I was completely blinded now, my hand grasped tightly onto his.

I closed my eyes.
Then opened them again.
Then i was alone, and Victor was no where to be seen.

This isn't my house anymore....

I was in a hallway, every step i took made the wood beneath me creak like the sound of bones being crushed.
Strangely, i felt that I wasn't alone, and that Victor was here somewhere.

"Victor!" I called out, and my voice echoed back to me.

It's so dark....

"Victor!!" i cupped my hands, growing deperate now as the weight of the darkness started eating me up.
where are you...

I wandered down a random direction, in hopes of stumbling across him.
There were paintings in the hallway, but they were torn up and scraped to the point that they looked like horror films trapped in a frame. Eerie shadows stretched like long black fingers across the floor. There was a strange feeling of asphyxiation, like I couldn't breathe, like i was slowly suffocating.

Where did you go...

I turned, and Victor wasn't there.
I kept walking, careful not to step on stray shards of glass strewn across the dirty velvet carpet which was once red.
There were doors lined neatly along the hallway as far as i could see, and the walls seemed to stretch into the void.
The doorknob rattled in my hand, but the door itself did not budge.

i tried several doors, but all of them were locked.
There was no light, save for the flickering of half broken lightbulbs in the ceiling.


A voice called my name.
But i was sure it wasn't from who i hoped it was.
I didn't dare turn around, because my bones and muscles screamed for me to stay still...completely still.
and the air I was breathing felt like it was on fire, but my body was frozen.


Every breath i took made me feel even more breathless than before, and that presence behind me was getting closer.




It was as if a blindfold was lifted off my eyes, and suddenly i was back in my house, nothing changed.

what's happening?

Vcitor was trying to wake me, but something was wrong.
His face...why was it falling apart?

"What's wrong?"

his voice was unfamiliar and cold, unlike the Victor i knew.

"V-Victor y-your face...."

His deteriorating face bursted open, revealing his skull and bones, torn muscles melted in to each other, contracting and twisting in impossible angles. White fur seemed to spurt out of his bones, forming a grotesquely distorted animal face. What's left of his eyes clung miserably to his eye sockets.

I screamed, and tried to push him away, but he had an iron grip on my arm, not letting me go any time soon.

"Oh Lucas, don't look at me like that. Didn't your mother tell you that it's rude to stare?"

"L-Let go of me..! Please!" I pleaded, trying to pry his hands off of me finger by finger. His thumb digged into my shoulder, and it hurt like hell.

I want this to end...
This is all...



"bad dream."

my vision turned to bright white, like what you'd see when an old film burned out. a low whirring sound echoed in my head, then i was back here, where i should be.

did i...fall asleep...?

i sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the house.

Looks like mom isn't home yet.
Oh, and it looks like Victor left...

A blanket was draped over me, and the thought of Victor being sweet enough to tuck me in made me blush furiously. Good thing no one was there to see me.

Soft chirping could be heard from a little bundle under the lamp on the coffee table.

Oh right, little Blue.

I smoothed it's ruffled feathers, and cradled it in my hands.

"I had a bad dream Blue." i whispered.

It chirped inquisitively, it's small brown eyes blinking.

"I saw a lot of scary things. But it's just a dream, so it doesn't matter."
"Did Victor go without letting me know?"

Blue cocked it's head and made a weird purring sound.

"Sorry, I don't understand... er... bird... language. But why am i talking to you anyway..? You don't even understand me."

It nuzzled into my thumb, and i petted it till it fell asleep.

"Why did that feel so real....." i wondered aloud. Victor's face came into my mind. The way his sad smile lit up his entire face in a soft, glowing....light.

He's so mean, leaving me like that to miss him.

I wondered when we'll see each other again.


Basic routine, showering...getting into comfy clothes, and waiting for dinner.
Of course, my mom was coming home late that day, so i had to fend for myself.

I found some instant ramen tucked way back in the cabinet, and boiled some water to pour into the cup.

ahhh, some warm, comfort food. hopefully it's not expired yet.

Normally I'd have dinner with my mom on the dining table, but that day, i buried myself in two layers of comforters with my ramen in front of the tv in the living room. Since mom wasn't home, i figured i could do whatever the hell i want.

_'Tonight at 10, we are reporting live from th-'

I changed the channel, no one wanted to hear about depressing accidents and boring weather forecasts, except for my mom.

_'Sugar, spice, and everything nice, these were the ingredients to create the perfect little girls...

ahh, yes, how nostalgic.

I ate my ramen like a pig with chopsticks, and watched the Powerpuff Girls till it was 11.
Assuming my mom wouldn't be home any time soon, i went to sleep.

Another dull day.

I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Tomorrow is another.


a/n: sucky chapter, but whatever :")

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