act three: II

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a/n: so i thought it'd be funny to make his alarm sound like Cardi b.

"Fucky fuck....fuck shit cunt ass..." i cussed, punching my bastard alarm clock till it stopped wailing.

School. again.

It was only Wednesday, and i was already getting sick of school somehow.
Just then, I heard knocking from outside the window, which made me jump.


The dude was hovering upside down outside the window, so i opened it to let him in.

"What the fuck are you doing here??" i whisper shouted, shivering at the merciless winter wind that made it's way into my room.

"Good morning Lucas."
"It appears that i am stuck in your window. Please help me."

I grabbed his arm and started tugging each of his limbs in until the rest of him was in my room then shut the window quickly.

I sighed, catching my breath before bombarding him.

"Victor. First of all, what the fuck?"
"Why are you here?"

"I was bored, so i came to see you."

"You can't just do that without telling me! I have school today!"

"....oh, okay."

"Look, just...uh...sit there, and wait."
"I'm going to school. You can wait here if you want to but I won't be back till evening."


I quickly got ready in the bathroom, doing everything at ×100 speed, because time was ticking, and I spent longer than I should've trying to pull Victor into my room.

"You didn't tell me you could fly."

"Ah, that was because I didn't know I could."

"...Fair enough. But i really gotta go Vic, bye!"

He waved his hand before i closed the door. I went flying down the stairs and out the door, hastily getting on my bike before dangerously speeding off on the icy road.


"wTf- "

He was floating along beside me, even his movements seemed slowed down like he was underwater, although he was clearly flying in the air.

"I told you to wait in the house!"

The man walking past me paled and shuffled away quickly in a panicked state. "Crazy young dude..." i heard him mutter under his breath.

Oh right, Victor was inconveniently invisible.

"I don't want to wait the whole day..."
"I want to be with you."

"Oh my gosh, fine. But I'll have to act like you're not there, or else my school will think im a fucking maniac." I whispered, cycling even faster in a vain attempt to lose him.

"Don't worry, just pretend I'm not here."

"Harder than it seems Victor."

"Fine, I'll just...disappear then."

I looked behind me, and he wasn't there anymore.

Yes, that's it, wait for me at home.

Lucas? Hello I'm inside your head.

What the fuck-
Wait you're in my mind now?

Yes. Hello.
I'm still beside you, you just can't see me.

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