act two: III

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another day.
another pain in the ass.

I woke up that day, feeling more nauseous than usual, and more reluctant to get out of bed.
I stared in the mirror, and got scared of my own reflection.

"Today, I, Lucas Miller, am rocking the 'zombie teen' look, complete with natural eyebags, pale skin and a tendency to bite people."

Then i laughed at my own joke, because I'm that good at making jokes. Or maybe it's just that i have a ridiculously bad sense of humour.


After eating breakfast and shit, i said goodbye to my mom, who would not reply me, then cycled off to school.
The cold wind bit my fat ass, and i groaned because it's so fucking hard to cycle fast, and i was already running late.

Why is every day such a struggle?


I managed to get into the building before the gates closed, and was perfectly fine with slipping through the halls unnoticed like a fucking ninja.
Malcolm (my personal bully) may have saw through my ninja skillz, so my plan was to avoid him till i get home. Easy? no, because he's got crooks everywhere, and I'd be dead if even one of them sees me.

Come on Lucas. Embrace your inner ninja and sayonara your way out of here like a fucking boss.


Of course, my ninja skills failed me, and i stayed back after school. Almost laughed out loud when Malcolm said he'd give me a piece of his mind because, well, he has no mind.

My top most button of my uniform was busted, and I told myself that i was going to make him pay for that button. My broke ass couldn't afford a fucking button, let alone replace my ruined books which were doused in water.
Like i said, maybe i should give him a lecture on how books do not need showers, and how we could just go to the library for civil discussions instead of
him dragging me to the back and beating the shit out of me.

Or maybe I shouldn't, because his brain is too tiny to understand what 'civil' means.
Poor ape boy.


I survived the bicycle ride back home, despite the harsh climate, my painful ass bruises, and the dangerous wildlife around me. (see also: homo sapiens)

"Mom?" i called, stepping into the house.

The house seemed darker than usual. The lights were all switched off.
A bright yellow sticky note was pasted on the fridge.

Be back by 9. No time to prepare dinner, so go out and eat. Money in the drawer.


"Are you fucking serious mom..." i grumbled, because 'eating outside' would mean that i had to go freeze outside and interact with people. (ex: ordering food)
So i went inside, still sulking and called Ruth.


//What's my wittle baby boy up to~

"I'm fucking starving. So could we go and eat together?"

//Ohhhh, i see. Now ya wanna hang out? Because you're hangry?~

"Yes. Where are you?"

//On my way to your place, with company~

"Jason and the others?"

//Yupp, my other baby boy.

"Okay, but don't ever say 'baby boy' to me, ever again."

//Fine, will call ya when i reach ya.



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